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Scimzz yo

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  • Posts: 29
    • RSN:Chewbacca973
    • Country:
*** Note I had to copy everything because the site was about to shutoff. Thats why the format its not like how it is.

1.) Corrupt Pures is an elite Pure Clan & Community. Completing this application shows us that you wish to truly be apart of our family. Game activity is not the only thing expected out of you. We expect you to also fully commit yourself to the clan by being in #Clan-CP in IRC, connecting to our TeamSpeak, and posting on our Forums daily. Are you up for the commitment?

Im up for the commitment. I may quit rs because of the EoC depending whether or not if i like it.

2.) What are your previous RuneScape Display Names?

Ur Boi Scimz, Chewbacca973/Wests Boss

3.) What is your Combat Level in the Wilderness? (Ex: 105+7)


4.) Is your account currently F2P or P2P?
If it is F2P, getting P2P is highly recommended!

It's p2p

5.) Please show a screenshot of your current RuneScape Name and Stats.
Show the entire RS screen.


6.) How did you find out about CP?

Well i've been clanning for a while.

7.) Please link us to your Introduction.http://cp-rs.com/forums/index.php?/topic/9415-scimzz-is-a-dawg/#entry135114

8.) Do you have the 20 required Post Count in order to be eligible for acceptance?:

Working on it

9.) Please list 3 Referrals (people you have met in CP):
How long have you known them?

Naseer - 2 years
Leet - roughly 4 months
Thunder - 2 months

10.) What is your timezone?
Est - 5 GMT

11.) Do you have any grudges against any of our members? If so, who and why?

Nope not at all.

12.) Provide a screenshot of you being in #Clan-CP in IRC.
Be sure to have a [CP] tag.


13.) Provide a screenshot of you being on our TeamSpeak 3 server.
Make your TeamSpeak name is your RSN.


14.) Have you been in any Pure Clans before?
If so, list the pure clan, how long you were in that clan, what your rank was, and what account(s) you were in the clan on.

Yes, i was in zenith back in 2010-2011 before their closing on an names "V Scimzz V", "ZoIsSmaller" I was also Enormity and Revenge they both closed. I was "Off Or Gwas". I then joined destruction,resistance and terror named Sharpie Bowl, Push South Ur Boi Scimz, and also now Chewbacca973

15.) Do you plan on continuing to train your RuneScape account?
List some current goals for your account.

Yes, if i like the EoC i plan on getting Overloads and turmoil and maxing out. (Long term goals)

16.) We use very unique warring strategies. Will you listen to all directions given by Corrupt Pure Officials without giving us any problems?

Yes i know that every call you guys will really matter in mini's/preps/trips

17.) As a member of Corrupt Pures you are expected to have perfect weekend PK trip attendance, do you understand?

I can try my best.

18.) If you are online, we expect you to attend a mandatory event, there are no excuses; is this understood?

Yes i understand

19.) In Corrupt Pures, we allow members to create fun events, will you try your best to attend these events?


20.) Our weekend PK trips sometimes last for hours, we expect you to be online for the entirety of these PK trips until we end them as a clan, is this understood?

Yeah, ill do my best.

21.) If you die during a War, returning to it as fast as possible is essential. This is why we make 57 Woodcutting mandatory (Access to the Edgeville/Moss Giants Canoe).
Please show us a picture of 20 F2P and P2P Wilderness returning sets.

Will work on p2p

22.) Have you carefully gone over the Gear we expect you to wear at each event? (F2P/P2P, Wilderness/Clan Wars, Safe/Dangerous, etc.)

Yes, i looked. I've also clanned for 3 years now

23.) Can you record our events and post them on YouTube?

No my computer sucks.

24.) Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?


25.) Do you have any computer skills (such as GFX design)?

I can use photoshop.

26.) Do you have Shortkeys Lite or an Auto Typer installed on your computer?
Getting one or the other is recommended.

I have garyshood

27.) We expect you to attend both F2P and P2P events, but which do you prefer?

F2p because i don't have the money for alot of p2p atm.

28.) To make sure you understand the time our Weekend events begin, can you please list the time we begin gathering for our Mandatory Saturday and Sunday PK trips?

3:30 Est mass, 4:00 go out.

29.) In 20 words, no less, please explain to us why you would be a valuable addition to Corrupt Pures.

I'm very good at listening. i'm good at tanking and warring. I'm not a retard 1 bang . I will be on the top with you guys .

30.) When attending a Mandatory event, you must PM an Official before leaving with the reason you are leaving, is this understood?

Yes it is.

31.) Have you read and acknowledged the Clan Rules?
Be sure to fully read the "Applying?" topic, we will know if you did not.

I have read and acknowledge the clanning terms

32.) Have you read and acknowledged the Clanning terms?
Be sure to fully read the "Applying?" topic, we will know if you did not.

I have read and acknowledge the clanning terms

33.) Do you have "Chain Is Law" and "Drunkin R2h" added in game?

I do now:)

34.) Corrupt Pures expect you to have the ability to PK. Please show 2 Player Kills OR 1 PK video here.
They can be taken while PKing with the clan.


35.) Your ability to attend as many Events as possible is important! Please provide Screenshots and Dates for the Events you attend below.
Five or more events are required to be accepted. One event must be a weekday prep war, and two must be weekend PK trips. The last two events may include mini wars or any additional weekday/weekend events.


*** Note I had to copy everything because the site was about to shutoff. Thats why the format its not like how it is.


train str up yeh


  • Posts: 18,666
    • RSN:bombing
    • IRC:[CP]Naseer
    • Country:
welcome bro :) get dat 57 woodcutting and be on thursday for prep

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  • Posts: 21,252
    • RSN:el loko pity
    • IRC:[CP]Franco
    • Country:
train attack if ure 30 def with 85 cb lol


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  • Posts: 2,029
    • RSN:A A O
    • IRC:[CP]Patrick
    • Country:
Nice app train your strength/attack Gl man

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  • Posts: 8,600
    • RSN:Chain Is Law
    • IRC:[CP]Chain
    • Country:
Looks solid. Welcome.

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  • Posts: 424
    • RSN:Clappin
    • Country:
train up and attened events gl bro

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Proud Ex-High-Council of Activation

Dc Kids

Dc Kids
  • Posts: 111
    • RSN:Dc Kids
    • Country:
feel like i know you, but i dont remember where.



    The clan world revolves around CP

  • Posts: 41,730
    • RSN:UAV
    • IRC:[CP]iMerk_31s
    • Country:
Good app. Get 57 Woodcutting ASAP and stock up on Team-28 Capes.

Idle in Teamspeak & #Clan-CP with a [CP] tag. Good luck!

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.





  • Posts: 7,253
    • RSN:ツ
    • IRC:ツ
    • Country:
Don't I know you from Z?

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