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Eric Losing weigth

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    Dutch Leader

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So In my previous topic, I asked if I could Lose X amount of weight in Y amount of time.

So now im here with a new topic,

Ive read on the internet if I eat 1300-1500 calories a day (500-600 calories less then you can max have)
You'll lose 1 KG ( or 2.2 lb).
Also im going to the gym, 3 days in a week. each time im going, im going for one hour.

This is what im going to eat the whole weak.


2 slices of bread, with cheese: 230 calories.
One fruit drink (100 ML): 57 Calories
One Yogurt/milk (150 ML) drink: 50 calories


2 Slices of bread, with cheese: 230 calories

One fruit drink (100 ML): 57 Calories
One Yogurt/milk (150 ML) drink: 50 calories


The amount of vegetables that you need for a day.
Chicken/beef, the amount of GR you need for a day.
This will come around 300-400 calories.

So all together im eating: 1074 calories from just the 3 meals, to get up to 1200+ (which is the minimum) ill be eating fruit.

Okay, so I worked it all out, hopefully I can commit myself for one full week and see the progress ive made next monday morning.

Anyways, I still have a question.

Should I eat more on the days I go to the gym?

Also, I already lost a few pounds im now 171.6, so 20 more pounds to go
(78 KG to 70 KG)

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  • Posts: 2,527
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Looks good but im not sure because i never really watch what im eating to much just run sometimes xD but goodluck bro <3

$iP K E D

iP K E D
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Do you just want to lose weight or build muscle as well?

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    Dutch Leader

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View PostiP K E D, on 29 May 2012 - 07:23 AM, said:

Do you just want to lose weight or build muscle as well?
First I want to lose weight, so it's easier to gain muscle. But when Im @ the gym I cardio for 20 mins, and lift weights etc for 30 mins.

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  • Posts: 8,600
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Yeah this should work. Good luck Eric, maybe you should try doing Cardio everyday for like 10 minutes instead though so you are in a calorie deficit every day so you lose weight faster? Idk tho. <3 GL

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    The clan world revolves around CP

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Seems legit, best of luck with this :)

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    The grass ain't greener on the other side it's just blue

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Bread is a fattening food btw

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$Celine Dion

Celine Dion
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are you saying your losing a kg a day? That's impossible.


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View PostDavidâ„¢, on 29 May 2012 - 01:21 PM, said:

Bread is a fattening food btw


Eat some sourdough bread from a local bakery :D

Also, you shouldn't cutt calories, just cutt the amount of shit you eat (kfc, mcdonalds etc etc)

|Finally, you should do an exercise that you think is fun (sports, biking etc)

Good luck Eric <333

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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  • Posts: 2,913
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When you workout, your suppose to eat more, not less.

Not healthy to starve your body of nutrients and try to get a good workout.

Eat 2000 Calories (Recommended amount) then what ever you burn at the gym/working out is good.

2000-Burned Calories rather than 1200-Burned Calories

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