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Do you even lift? Picture Update

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    The 101

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Note: This is all unflexed, and I would take off my shirt but sorry no nude pics on internet.

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Time Left:
2/16 weeks completed on my cut, you will see real noticeable changes on week 5. Also always lifting heavy with low reps is really helping.

BodyBuilder Forums Quote:
"I have very good genetics for gaining muscle because I am getting massive gains in few short months, compared to other people who would take over a year+ to develop their muscle groups like mine"

Changes Outside:
- .8% BF decrease in 2 weeks
- Gained an average of 10 pounds extra in my weights I lift on almost every excersise besides my legs for some reason. This is good considering I am eating at a deficit right now.
- 32.6 Inch Waste was 33.4 two weeks ago

Noticeable Changes After 2 Weeks:

- As you can see my chest is getting bigger from lifting heavy, and my pecs are starting to get more of a defined popping look. As I get lower BF my pecs will pop even more.

- My forearm muscles are starting to come in nice, but I still need to keep working on it because my arms are still very skinny.

- My Traps, which you can't see that well are developed very nicely even though I have only been lifting since summer.

- My Biceps are getting bigger, but still have few months till you really see them when I lean out

- My torso/lower abs, are getting leaner with that Y shape look.

I will post another picture in 2 weeks, and we can compare the differences with this picture. We should see my torso look even smaller, and my face thin out little more when I get off the creatine cycle. #WaterRetention

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Grandpa of The Pure Community


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    the ment, enjoy it.

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Keep it up man, I'm really seeing improvement.
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u look strong

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    Big Gucci Joey Sosa

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Ily Adam, you've been looking better, ever since your proggies from EoP forums :wub:.

Keep it up

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Proud Council Of Eruption Of Pures

Ex-Proud HighCouncil Of Pures Of Today

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    The 101

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View PostJoey`, on 03 January 2013 - 11:51 PM, said:

Ily Adam, you've been looking better, ever since your proggies from EoP forums :wub:.

Keep it up

Ya, I just can't wait till summer. I don't think I will ever buy a shirt again lol, who needs one when you have the body of a god.

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Grandpa of The Pure Community


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are you wearing eye liner

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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"It's not good enough to be there. When you're there, you better walk away with that ring"
- Don Shula

[11:58 PM] swagmaster420: its pretty easy to get escalades when your pulling 7 figures

[11:58 PM] swagmaster420: its also easy to get lost under my bed like al;l the other dead hookers ive met
[11:58 PM] swagmaster420: but who needs lawyers when you got swag

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    The 101

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View PostAndy, on 04 January 2013 - 12:31 AM, said:

are you wearing eye liner

no lol... My eyes are just always like that because of lack of sleep, runs in the family.

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Grandpa of The Pure Community



    The grass ain't greener on the other side it's just blue

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Damn you look good, Keep up the hardwork Adam

she send me pictures to my iphone

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then I gotta clear em cause my girl be checking my phone

Ex-@Leader of the Best & Most Aspiring Pure Clan


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