Chain, on 18 August 2015 - 01:03 AM, said:
Jason, on 18 August 2015 - 12:57 AM, said:
Was great meeting you all, shit was honestly really cool. At first I thought it may be awkward but from the start meeting 'you're an idiot' drunk and realizing he's a pretty cool dude, the trip seemed like I've known them in real life for just as long as I've known them on scape. Would do in a heartbeat again. Hopefully we have one closer to Cali in the future cause flying all around the states gets expensive for little ol' me in hawaii. But defiantly made some life long friends out there, and hopefully next time all you young 20 year olds will be 21 even if yo becky slided his way into the bars
Looks like Drunk has met his match.