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    The Legend

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[Sat][12:17:43 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> geared my mains up in rune
[Sat][02:28:04 PM] <04@Murd|AFK> im jsut gonan multi log on 2 mains


[Fri][07:25:08 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> tomorrow
[Fri][07:25:11 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> everyone
[Fri][07:25:14 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> jump on ur main
[Fri][07:25:17 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> if u have 2 accs
[Fri][07:25:18 PM] <04@[EoP]Nathan`> booters r now mandatory
[Fri][07:25:19 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> multilog
[Fri][07:25:22 PM] <04@[EoP]Nathan`> for council+
[Fri][07:25:26 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> everyone use a main
[Fri][07:25:29 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> shock him until he complies idor
[Fri][07:25:38 PM] <04@[EoP]Nathan`> booters and mains are now mandatory for council+


[Sat][09:29:40 AM] <07%[EoP]idoR> just let everyone come who is 30 def
[Sat][09:29:41 AM] <07%[EoP]idoR> tbh
[Sat][09:29:44 AM] <07%[EoP]idoR> invites
[Sat][09:29:45 AM] <07%[EoP]idoR> mains
[Sat][09:29:46 AM] <07%[EoP]idoR> rot
[Sat][09:29:47 AM] <07%[EoP]idoR> sv


[Sat][01:08:25 PM] <04@[EoP]Nathan`> r these our mains
[Sat][01:08:31 PM] <04@[EoP]Nathan`> get the mains away from fall in


[Sun][01:03:14 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> im bringing everyone we can
[Sun][01:03:16 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> all mains invited


[Sat][02:12:53 PM] <07%Babalanka> im serious solo, 20 mains are coming tomorrow hes leader of my team
[Sat][02:12:59 PM] <07%Babalanka> to crash the war at gdz


[Mon][01:55:17 AM] <04@Reb> why is justin guest
[Mon][01:55:29 AM] <04@Reb> give the man his rank
[Mon][01:55:46 AM] <04@Reb> we'll need his mains


Wed][02:39:11 AM] <04@nish> [EoP]idoR how did you lose to sup lmao
[Wed][02:39:53 AM] <04@[eOp]Thimaah> preschool choked
[Wed][02:39:56 AM] <04@[eOp]Thimaah> and we lost

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    Big Cheese

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Sams eraaaa

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    Founder of Corrupt Pures

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ders sumthin nu everytym D:

[Thu][08:27:16 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> couldnt do shit
[Thu][08:27:16 PM] <04@Solo> im gonna do a lil something
[Thu][08:27:20 PM] <04@Elcangry> does it remind you the time cp pushed us from 18 port to 26 hill to ghost hut? l0l
[Thu][08:27:21 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> when everyone runs back
[Thu][08:27:24 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> after a push
[Thu][08:27:26 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> instinctively
[Thu][08:27:30 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> pussy mentality

01[Fri][01:15:20 PM] <07%WeeZy> just have mains with us
04[Fri][01:15:48 PM] <07%dull> [eOp]Thimaah Cody Elcangry Minibar Reb Solo ElverAFK nish sudo_ WeeZy
[Fri][01:15:48 PM] <07%sudo_> lol it we
[Fri][01:15:50 PM] <07%dull> every1 get on main
[Fri][01:15:51 PM] <07%dull> besides thimmy
[Fri][01:15:53 PM] <07%dull> ty thimmy
[Fri][01:15:53 PM] <07%dull> -.-
[Fri][01:15:55 PM] <07%sudo_> poke eop members
[Fri][01:15:56 PM] <07%sudo_> who have mains
[Fri][01:15:58 PM] <07%sudo_> to multilog
03[Fri][01:16:48 PM] * *.SwiftIRC.net sets mode

red vs blue :[]
[Fri][02:14:12 PM] <07%dull> 5-6 mains
[Fri][02:14:13 PM] <07%dull> -.-
[Fri][02:14:17 PM] <04@[eOp]Thimaah> so
[Fri][02:14:18 PM] <04@[eOp]Thimaah> lol

[Sat][02:44:56 PM] <04@Elcangry> cp vs tlp
[Sat][02:45:01 PM] <04@Elcangry> lets go snipe on tlp cape

[Tue][02:30:56 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> cmo nman be smarter
[Tue][02:31:14 PM] <07%Babalanka> NOO
[Tue][02:31:18 PM] <07%Babalanka> TELL PLAWPY TO GET FOE CAPE
[Tue][02:31:19 PM] <07%Babalanka> TELL PLAWPY TO GET FOE CAPE
[Tue][02:31:21 PM] <07%Babalanka> shitt
01[Tue][02:31:32 PM] <07%WeeZy> sudo_

[Thu][03:25:09 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> cp will prob pull 70+ this sat
[Thu][03:25:18 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> we are lucky if we pull 60+
[Thu][03:25:20 PM] <04@Nathan> get sv to mass come
[Thu][03:25:27 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> yh

[Thu][03:32:14 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> inviting works
[Thu][03:32:18 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> let Babalanka talk sv
[Thu][03:32:22 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> people like hittin + beast
[Thu][03:32:26 PM] <04@Nathan> we had that kid in our scout chan
[Thu][03:32:28 PM] <04@Nathan> just talk to him

[Thu][03:36:02 PM] <07%Babalanka> l0l i told u guys just to go on ur mains
[Thu][03:36:04 PM] <07%Babalanka> and snipe pure clans

[Thu][04:04:56 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> mandatory to post ^^
[Thu][04:05:02 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> make shit accounts on sb and flame em
[Thu][04:05:08 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> mandatory to watch cp preps and flame em

[Sat][01:44:27 PM] <07%Babalanka> yo
[Sat][01:44:30 PM] <07%Babalanka> we're ready bro
[Sat][01:45:08 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> can
[Sat][01:45:09 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> we
[Sat][01:45:15 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> get those mains in other channel to come with us?
[Sat][01:45:18 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> then we got 65
[Sat][01:45:18 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> lol
[Sat][01:45:22 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> in our channel
[Sat][01:45:26 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> in our channel
[Sat][01:45:32 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> and cc
[Sat][01:46:13 PM] <07%dull> justin has a 12 man
[Sat][01:46:15 PM] <07%dull> cc with mains

[Sat][01:55:43 PM] <04@[eOp]Cronic> how many
[Sat][01:55:45 PM] <04@[eOp]Cronic> did fo have
[Sat][01:55:45 PM] <04@[eOp]Cronic> lmfao
[Sat][01:55:48 PM] <04@[eOp]Cronic> 60?
[Sat][01:56:01 PM] <04@[eOp]Cronic> solo
02[Sat][01:56:04 PM] * %[EoP]Jc ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
[Sat][01:56:04 PM] <04@[eOp]Cronic> r they teaming with us?
[Sat][01:56:06 PM] <04@Elcangry> ye
[Sat][01:56:07 PM] <04@Nathan> LOL

[Sat][02:02:02 PM] <07%dull> lol
[Sat][02:02:05 PM] <07%[EoP]Jc> so just let retard tlp kids know
[Sat][02:02:09 PM] <07%dull> tlp will actually
[Sat][02:02:10 PM] <07%dull> tema with us

[Sat][02:12:40 PM] <04@Nathan> get the mains away from our fall in

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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    Bitch, Im a Savage I do Damage

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100% Legit
EOP Starting: 60
FO Starting: 60

EOP Ending: 59
FO Ending: 59
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    Best There Is

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Lmfao ez

@Leader 2015-2017



    Founder of Corrupt Pures

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[Sat][02:52:00 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09020:09510:090400«10PM0) <dull> come er
[Sat][02:52:00 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09020:09510:090500«10PM0) <dull> gdz
[Sat][02:52:00 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09020:09510:092400«10PM0) <Braden> tell eom to fuck off
[Sat][02:52:00 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09020:09510:092800«10PM0) <dull> eom wont come
[Sat][02:52:16 PM] <07%Babalanka> LMFAO
[Sat][02:52:17 PM] <07%Babalanka> LMAO
[Sat][02:52:21 PM] <07%Babalanka> tell him to fuck off
[Sat][02:52:27 PM] <07%Babalanka> he keeps sniping me

[Sat][02:53:55 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> i got 2 mains at gdz
01[Sat][02:53:59 PM] <07%WeeZy> nvm
01[Sat][02:54:02 PM] <07%WeeZy> sudo giving me  amain
[Sat][02:54:11 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> dont use mains man
[Sat][02:54:12 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> =[
01[Sat][02:54:14 PM] <07%WeeZy> bro
01[Sat][02:54:17 PM] <07%WeeZy> cronics on a  main
01[Sat][02:54:19 PM] <07%WeeZy> suck me off
[Sat][02:54:23 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> l0l
[Sat][02:54:24 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> wear mith
[Sat][02:54:33 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> let tlp defend lol

[Sat][03:22:13 PM] <07%sudo_> keep audio active
[Sat][03:22:14 PM] <07%sudo_> rot is coing
[Sat][03:22:15 PM] <07%sudo_> coming
[Sat][03:22:30 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> kobe
[Sat][03:22:33 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> we do not fight back
[Sat][03:22:35 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> until we have the same
[Sat][03:22:38 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> then they all are low food
[Sat][03:22:44 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> and its easy for us
[Sat][03:22:46 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> thats the tactic
[Sat][03:22:51 PM] <04@Nathan> just grab any advantage when u can, walk away and claim it l0l

[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:091300«10PM0) <04@dull> Range_Grudge why tlp pull so low 2day boy
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:092300«10PM0) <04@Range_Grudge> hanuman
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:092800«10PM0) <04@dull> wot he do
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:093800«10PM0) <04@Range_Grudge> joined tlp
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:094400«10PM0) <04@dull> what'd he do tho
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:094500«10PM0) <04@dull> lol
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:094900«10PM0) <04@Range_Grudge> ^
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:095800«10PM0) <04@dull> ?
[Sat][07:44:09 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:095900«10PM0) <04@dull> did he scare ppl off
[Sat][07:44:10 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09410:090000«10PM0) <04@dull> or what
[Sat][07:44:11 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09410:090800«10PM0) <04@Range_Grudge> na
[Sat][07:44:12 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09410:091600«10PM0) <04@Range_Grudge> nobody wants to come to trips for someone who doesn't appreciate it

[Tue][03:44:41 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> kill cp
[Tue][03:45:30 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd|AFK> idor whats thursday man
[Tue][03:45:48 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> cp preps
[Tue][03:45:52 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> i got a pastebin
[Tue][03:45:54 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> of cp ips
[Tue][03:45:55 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd|AFK> who they vsing
[Tue][03:45:57 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd|AFK> yikes
[Tue][03:45:58 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> including elders + ranks

01[Wed][01:45:35 PM] <07%WeeZy> inners cancelled?
[Wed][01:45:35 PM] <04@Elcangry> i mean was he able to do inners monday?
01[Wed][01:45:38 PM] <07%WeeZy> want me to stop my spam?
[Wed][01:45:38 PM] <07%sudo_> yeah
01[Wed][01:45:39 PM] <07%WeeZy> k
[Wed][01:45:40 PM] <07%sudo_> yes
[Wed][01:45:43 PM] <04@Elcangry> i saw he tried to mass
[Wed][01:46:45 PM] <04@Elcangry> theres more baba army than there is eop on ts rof

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

Posted Image





    Best There Is

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View PostFlop, on 11 October 2015 - 09:13 AM, said:

[Sat][02:52:00 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09020:09510:090400«10PM0) <dull> come er
[Sat][02:52:00 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09020:09510:090500«10PM0) <dull> gdz
[Sat][02:52:00 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09020:09510:092400«10PM0) <Braden> tell eom to fuck off
[Sat][02:52:00 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09020:09510:092800«10PM0) <dull> eom wont come
[Sat][02:52:16 PM] <07%Babalanka> LMFAO
[Sat][02:52:17 PM] <07%Babalanka> LMAO
[Sat][02:52:21 PM] <07%Babalanka> tell him to fuck off
[Sat][02:52:27 PM] <07%Babalanka> he keeps sniping me

[Sat][02:53:55 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> i got 2 mains at gdz
01[Sat][02:53:59 PM] <07%WeeZy> nvm
01[Sat][02:54:02 PM] <07%WeeZy> sudo giving me  amain
[Sat][02:54:11 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> dont use mains man
[Sat][02:54:12 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> =[
01[Sat][02:54:14 PM] <07%WeeZy> bro
01[Sat][02:54:17 PM] <07%WeeZy> cronics on a  main
01[Sat][02:54:19 PM] <07%WeeZy> suck me off
[Sat][02:54:23 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> l0l
[Sat][02:54:24 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> wear mith
[Sat][02:54:33 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> let tlp defend lol

[Sat][03:22:13 PM] <07%sudo_> keep audio active
[Sat][03:22:14 PM] <07%sudo_> rot is coing
[Sat][03:22:15 PM] <07%sudo_> coming
[Sat][03:22:30 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> kobe
[Sat][03:22:33 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> we do not fight back
[Sat][03:22:35 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> until we have the same
[Sat][03:22:38 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> then they all are low food
[Sat][03:22:44 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> and its easy for us
[Sat][03:22:46 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd> thats the tactic
[Sat][03:22:51 PM] <04@Nathan> just grab any advantage when u can, walk away and claim it l0l

[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:091300«10PM0) <04@dull> Range_Grudge why tlp pull so low 2day boy
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:092300«10PM0) <04@Range_Grudge> hanuman
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:092800«10PM0) <04@dull> wot he do
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:093800«10PM0) <04@Range_Grudge> joined tlp
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:094400«10PM0) <04@dull> what'd he do tho
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:094500«10PM0) <04@dull> lol
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:094900«10PM0) <04@Range_Grudge> ^
[Sat][07:44:08 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:095800«10PM0) <04@dull> ?
[Sat][07:44:09 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09400:095900«10PM0) <04@dull> did he scare ppl off
[Sat][07:44:10 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09410:090000«10PM0) <04@dull> or what
[Sat][07:44:11 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09410:090800«10PM0) <04@Range_Grudge> na
[Sat][07:44:12 PM] <07%dull> (10Sat0»09070:09410:091600«10PM0) <04@Range_Grudge> nobody wants to come to trips for someone who doesn't appreciate it

[Tue][03:44:41 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> kill cp
[Tue][03:45:30 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd|AFK> idor whats thursday man
[Tue][03:45:48 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> cp preps
[Tue][03:45:52 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> i got a pastebin
[Tue][03:45:54 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> of cp ips
[Tue][03:45:55 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd|AFK> who they vsing
[Tue][03:45:57 PM] <04@[EoP]Murd|AFK> yikes
[Tue][03:45:58 PM] <07%[EoP]idoR> including elders + ranks

01[Wed][01:45:35 PM] <07%WeeZy> inners cancelled?
[Wed][01:45:35 PM] <04@Elcangry> i mean was he able to do inners monday?
01[Wed][01:45:38 PM] <07%WeeZy> want me to stop my spam?
[Wed][01:45:38 PM] <07%sudo_> yeah
01[Wed][01:45:39 PM] <07%WeeZy> k
[Wed][01:45:40 PM] <07%sudo_> yes
[Wed][01:45:43 PM] <04@Elcangry> i saw he tried to mass
[Wed][01:46:45 PM] <04@Elcangry> theres more baba army than there is eop on ts rof


@Leader 2015-2017



    Bitch, Im a Savage I do Damage

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Shit clannnnnn
[center]  Posted Image Posted Image



    The clan world revolves around CP

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We probably killed your clan lmfao

Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.




    duck your taco

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View PostMerk, on 10 October 2015 - 07:27 PM, said:

[Sat][02:24:21 PM] <04@[EoP]Nathan> Jim baller just said we went from 80 to 55
[Sat][02:24:23 PM] <04@[EoP]Nathan> is that true
[Sat][02:24:39 PM] <04@[EoP]Nathan> 65 ts


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