[22:39] <@HANUMAN> cp is walking over here [22:39] <@Braden> HANUMAN eop and sup bout 2 fight [22:39] <+Barrage|Kyle> we get all mains here we can do it [22:39] <+Barrage|Kyle> tbh [22:39] <@Range_Grudge> cp gonna come here 03[22:39] * Braden sets mode: -b *!*@Swift-3B67F5FA.cable.virginm.net [22:39] <@Braden> .rlb [22:39] <+Barrage|Kyle> their ranks low on food
you know ur bad when u rely on nothing but mains to beat us :[] and still loose :3
Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.
[21:58] <@[TLP]pibb> hey we have a bit more than 18 mains
[21:58] <@[TLP]pibb> i think we're @ 21 atm
[21:58] <@[TLP]Dissy> glad we finally decided to use mains against them
This discredits TLP of any accomplishments they have had in the past few months. The difference is tlp is no longer fighting shitty clans like foe & eop. The quality of CP is showing.