Ryan`, on 12 July 2016 - 12:57 PM, said:

Another Idea about Ranking System
Posted 12 July 2016 - 01:20 PM

Ex @Leader of The Greatest Pure Clan of All Time.
Posted 12 July 2016 - 03:46 PM

Joey Venom, on 12 July 2016 - 11:52 AM, said:
We're one of the only clans that are completely open minded about giving anyone people rank. example...If an advance member goes above and beyond for the clan...when a council is needed... he'll be promoted instead of the legend that doesn't do anything besides attend trips.
Also making new ranks is dumb, if someone is worthy of a rank, they'll be promoted to officer/council...we don't have a set # predetermined when promos roll around. We could have 10 we could have 2. All depends on the amount of ppl that are worthy of such a rank.
wrote this fast lemme know if u want me to explain in more detail.
Ex @High Council 2014 - 2017
Posted 12 July 2016 - 08:02 PM

Jasper, on 12 July 2016 - 03:46 PM, said:
Joey Venom, on 12 July 2016 - 11:52 AM, said:
We're one of the only clans that are completely open minded about giving anyone people rank. example...If an advance member goes above and beyond for the clan...when a council is needed... he'll be promoted instead of the legend that doesn't do anything besides attend trips.
Also making new ranks is dumb, if someone is worthy of a rank, they'll be promoted to officer/council...we don't have a set # predetermined when promos roll around. We could have 10 we could have 2. All depends on the amount of ppl that are worthy of such a rank.
wrote this fast lemme know if u want me to explain in more detail.
Ex @Leader of The Greatest Pure Clan of All Time.
Posted 13 July 2016 - 12:20 AM

Potter, on 12 July 2016 - 11:28 AM, said:
Thank you all for your participation and helpful feedback from my “Addition to the Ranking System Proposal.” One of the comments was unique, and I thought it could be a cool thing. @$Andrew the Jester said “Take away this Legend-Hero shit and make everyone a member. People who do stuff gets like another higher member rank.”
I thought this was an interesting concept and think it could be beneficial to the clan. If we take away advanced, elite, hero, legend and maybe even hall of fame rank and made everyone a member it would be a much simpler way of giving meaning to ranks. People who are inactive would get retired rank.
In addition to abolishing those ranks and making all of those people members, we would create a new rank for members who step up and show that they really care about the clan. This rank would be for prospective officers/council members. Also, teamspeak would look a lot cleaner, and we might have the same amount of members as elders for once!
ONE MORE THING: @$Inu brought to my attention that a lot of members would get butt hurt over losing their rank, and the time to make such a drastic change isn’t now. If you think this is a good idea, please vote yes, but it will not be implemented for a long time if at all. After the summer, people will start to be inactive and then it would be a good time to make a change like this or my other ranking system proposal.
Please vote in the poll above and let me know what you guys think. Also, add comments and concerns below. If you guys think this idea would do more harm than good we can continue editing my last proposal.
Thank you for your time

I just got to see how it is to get into a main clan and that shit has several steps, First they got the recruit step which is very much alike as the intro for pure clans, you become someone who is showing interest into the clan. (No return tab or stat requirements needed) You get acces to teamspeak and forums to be able to get to know the community and to gain trust by members. You can also attend events such as weekend trips. The requirement is 1 referral which has to be a member or higher rank.
After this you have the ''future applicant'' rank, for this you will need 3 referrals, which means you need to know 3 people in the clan you're about to join. So if you dont behave or act childish and being an annoyance to others you can get those 3 referalls during ur recruit period. You will need all requirements to be able to join the clan, which in our case apparently is the following:
ALL options require:
95+ Strength
95+ Range
94+ Magic
80+ Hitpoints
60+ Attack
45+ Prayer
57+ Woodcutting
1-25 Defense
you also need more forum activity, 30 post count. Some people who join CP has 2 post count, intro and application and they are done. Forums is supposed to make people feel more entitled to stay loyal and gain a sort of accomplishment which you dont want to lose, may be post count, may be honor system we once had which I personally miss. It made me want to post more of these kind of comments to see that you get upvotes on and you get a total of how many funny/helpful posts that people liked that you've made.
Anyways back to the story.
Once you've made it to the step to be able to make a future applicant post these are the actions you have to go through and also what officialls will go through
Day 1 - Introduction posted; begins to idle on Teamspeak and attend events
Day 2 - FA Application posted; continues to idle on Teamspeak and attend events
Day 3 - Application & History reviewed by Officials
Day 7 - Accepted as FA; granted private forum access. All security details reviewed.
Day 25 - Applicant is fitting in well with the community. Officials vote if applicant should be accepted.
Day 30 - Accepted as member
Literally takes 30 DAYSto become a member FROM FUTURE APPLICANT, here it can take a week from someone coming up to you to join the clan. Ofcourse it takes time from being a recruit (obviously not everyone will have the member reqs to join) to becoming a future applicant.
The point im trying to make is that we let people join toooooo easy, literally all you have to do is come on trips and you get to join our clan, BE A PART OF OUR CLAN. It should be more then that, you should need to have made a few good friends who can vouch for you to becoming a member. Winning with a bunch of people I know and care about, people I know care too. people that are my friends is more important to me then just joining whatever clan is the best right now and then win.
If we could just make it so it'd be harder to becoming a member, people work harder to becoming a member. People who work hard to become a member will also not be one of those guys who will just leave instantly, if you get to know a few good people which is required to join you wont just leave your friends.
2. Rank system, come on....I've said this before, there are few ranks that is a sense of achievement. Officer, Council, High Council and Leader, Guess you can throw in hall of famer in there aswell.
Advanced member, Elite member, Hero member, Legend member. They all are just a time you've been in the clan. Nothing else you need to achieve these ranks besides a tank test for elite. When people join a clan people might not have the ambition to try and work for an officer rank or higher, people might not have the time or the willing to go for this. Let them try a strive for something else, make them feel the advanced member rank is something to be proud of, make the elite rank feel like your one of those core members who really know what they are doing, a selected few can have this rank.
My solution:
Sure keep the a rank which tells you the time you've been in the clan but they could literally be called ''1 Month member'' ''2 Months member'' '' 4 Months Member'' ''1 Year member''
But make it so you're eligible to recive ''advanced, elite, hero and legend rank'' after following milestone above has been completed. But you will have to pass a voting which occures every month for these lower tier ranks. The people who are able to vote for the advanced member rank would be anyone with advanced member or higher and respectively for each of the ranks.
This now means you can be a Retired rank but also have a ''1 Year member'' achievement rank at the same time. So you can see what they have accomplished when they were active even though they have the retired rank now. I even want to stretch it so far that you can achieve a ''1 year member'' rank and also a ''Retired Advanced member'' rank, respectively for each of the ranks.
For example: You have been in CP for 1 year, never got voted in for any of the special member ranks (advanced, elite, hero, legend) You've just been a regular ordinary alright member who show up for trips, doesnt do anything special. Now lets say this guy goes inactive, he may recieve the following: The current '' Retired rank'' and also a ''1 Year member'' rank.
Another example, lets say someone has been in CP for 4 months and has been voted in for advanced member rank and then decided to retire. He may recieve the following: ''Retired advanced member'' rank and also the ''4 months member'' Rank.
''Elder'' rank has that going for them, people know that elders are retired ranks. People with a ''Retired'' rank basically goes back to 0, no accomplishments mentioned.
Earlier I mentioned people might not want to strive to become an official, but if they keep making these progresses up the rankings they will be alot closer. The officials will look more closely at what you do to show yourself worthy of taking that next step. The step which seemed to be too big to take when you were all the way down at the bottom of the staircase.
Anyways I feel I've made this post wayyyy too long already so not going to continue to mention more changes we could do to improve CP.
I used to talk to @$Fatal a ton about how to improve things when he was a leader. I was just way closer to him then I was to any other leader but this post I just mentioned 2 things.
I'll mention all the current ranks and a few elders that I know care about CP and are sometimes a rank. (Please feel free to mention what you think, what you disagree with and what we could change to instead) as this post was not posted very recently and we're already at the 7th page and doubt people will go back to read anything new mentioned. Will also mention a few core members that I know look out for the clans best interest. (legend+)
Posted 13 July 2016 - 02:34 AM

Posted 13 July 2016 - 03:25 AM

Joey Venom, on 12 July 2016 - 08:02 PM, said:
Jasper, on 12 July 2016 - 03:46 PM, said:
Joey Venom, on 12 July 2016 - 11:52 AM, said:
We're one of the only clans that are completely open minded about giving anyone people rank. example...If an advance member goes above and beyond for the clan...when a council is needed... he'll be promoted instead of the legend that doesn't do anything besides attend trips.
Also making new ranks is dumb, if someone is worthy of a rank, they'll be promoted to officer/council...we don't have a set # predetermined when promos roll around. We could have 10 we could have 2. All depends on the amount of ppl that are worthy of such a rank.
wrote this fast lemme know if u want me to explain in more detail.
Ex @High Council 2014 - 2017
Posted 13 July 2016 - 01:03 PM

Everything else is just progression, ppl like the small upgrades so I'd leave it tbh.
Founder of the following terms:
Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof
@Leader 2012-2014
Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.
Posted 13 July 2016 - 02:18 PM

Ricke, on 13 July 2016 - 12:20 AM, said:
Potter, on 12 July 2016 - 11:28 AM, said:
Thank you all for your participation and helpful feedback from my “Addition to the Ranking System Proposal.” One of the comments was unique, and I thought it could be a cool thing. @$Andrew the Jester said “Take away this Legend-Hero shit and make everyone a member. People who do stuff gets like another higher member rank.”
I thought this was an interesting concept and think it could be beneficial to the clan. If we take away advanced, elite, hero, legend and maybe even hall of fame rank and made everyone a member it would be a much simpler way of giving meaning to ranks. People who are inactive would get retired rank.
In addition to abolishing those ranks and making all of those people members, we would create a new rank for members who step up and show that they really care about the clan. This rank would be for prospective officers/council members. Also, teamspeak would look a lot cleaner, and we might have the same amount of members as elders for once!
ONE MORE THING: @$Inu brought to my attention that a lot of members would get butt hurt over losing their rank, and the time to make such a drastic change isn’t now. If you think this is a good idea, please vote yes, but it will not be implemented for a long time if at all. After the summer, people will start to be inactive and then it would be a good time to make a change like this or my other ranking system proposal.
Please vote in the poll above and let me know what you guys think. Also, add comments and concerns below. If you guys think this idea would do more harm than good we can continue editing my last proposal.
Thank you for your time

I just got to see how it is to get into a main clan and that shit has several steps, First they got the recruit step which is very much alike as the intro for pure clans, you become someone who is showing interest into the clan. (No return tab or stat requirements needed) You get acces to teamspeak and forums to be able to get to know the community and to gain trust by members. You can also attend events such as weekend trips. The requirement is 1 referral which has to be a member or higher rank.
After this you have the ''future applicant'' rank, for this you will need 3 referrals, which means you need to know 3 people in the clan you're about to join. So if you dont behave or act childish and being an annoyance to others you can get those 3 referalls during ur recruit period. You will need all requirements to be able to join the clan, which in our case apparently is the following:
ALL options require:
95+ Strength
95+ Range
94+ Magic
80+ Hitpoints
60+ Attack
45+ Prayer
57+ Woodcutting
1-25 Defense
you also need more forum activity, 30 post count. Some people who join CP has 2 post count, intro and application and they are done. Forums is supposed to make people feel more entitled to stay loyal and gain a sort of accomplishment which you dont want to lose, may be post count, may be honor system we once had which I personally miss. It made me want to post more of these kind of comments to see that you get upvotes on and you get a total of how many funny/helpful posts that people liked that you've made.
Anyways back to the story.
Once you've made it to the step to be able to make a future applicant post these are the actions you have to go through and also what officialls will go through
Day 1 - Introduction posted; begins to idle on Teamspeak and attend events
Day 2 - FA Application posted; continues to idle on Teamspeak and attend events
Day 3 - Application & History reviewed by Officials
Day 7 - Accepted as FA; granted private forum access. All security details reviewed.
Day 25 - Applicant is fitting in well with the community. Officials vote if applicant should be accepted.
Day 30 - Accepted as member
Literally takes 30 DAYSto become a member FROM FUTURE APPLICANT, here it can take a week from someone coming up to you to join the clan. Ofcourse it takes time from being a recruit (obviously not everyone will have the member reqs to join) to becoming a future applicant.
The point im trying to make is that we let people join toooooo easy, literally all you have to do is come on trips and you get to join our clan, BE A PART OF OUR CLAN. It should be more then that, you should need to have made a few good friends who can vouch for you to becoming a member. Winning with a bunch of people I know and care about, people I know care too. people that are my friends is more important to me then just joining whatever clan is the best right now and then win.
If we could just make it so it'd be harder to becoming a member, people work harder to becoming a member. People who work hard to become a member will also not be one of those guys who will just leave instantly, if you get to know a few good people which is required to join you wont just leave your friends.
2. Rank system, come on....I've said this before, there are few ranks that is a sense of achievement. Officer, Council, High Council and Leader, Guess you can throw in hall of famer in there aswell.
Advanced member, Elite member, Hero member, Legend member. They all are just a time you've been in the clan. Nothing else you need to achieve these ranks besides a tank test for elite. When people join a clan people might not have the ambition to try and work for an officer rank or higher, people might not have the time or the willing to go for this. Let them try a strive for something else, make them feel the advanced member rank is something to be proud of, make the elite rank feel like your one of those core members who really know what they are doing, a selected few can have this rank.
My solution:
Sure keep the a rank which tells you the time you've been in the clan but they could literally be called ''1 Month member'' ''2 Months member'' '' 4 Months Member'' ''1 Year member''
But make it so you're eligible to recive ''advanced, elite, hero and legend rank'' after following milestone above has been completed. But you will have to pass a voting which occures every month for these lower tier ranks. The people who are able to vote for the advanced member rank would be anyone with advanced member or higher and respectively for each of the ranks.
This now means you can be a Retired rank but also have a ''1 Year member'' achievement rank at the same time. So you can see what they have accomplished when they were active even though they have the retired rank now. I even want to stretch it so far that you can achieve a ''1 year member'' rank and also a ''Retired Advanced member'' rank, respectively for each of the ranks.
For example: You have been in CP for 1 year, never got voted in for any of the special member ranks (advanced, elite, hero, legend) You've just been a regular ordinary alright member who show up for trips, doesnt do anything special. Now lets say this guy goes inactive, he may recieve the following: The current '' Retired rank'' and also a ''1 Year member'' rank.
Another example, lets say someone has been in CP for 4 months and has been voted in for advanced member rank and then decided to retire. He may recieve the following: ''Retired advanced member'' rank and also the ''4 months member'' Rank.
''Elder'' rank has that going for them, people know that elders are retired ranks. People with a ''Retired'' rank basically goes back to 0, no accomplishments mentioned.
Earlier I mentioned people might not want to strive to become an official, but if they keep making these progresses up the rankings they will be alot closer. The officials will look more closely at what you do to show yourself worthy of taking that next step. The step which seemed to be too big to take when you were all the way down at the bottom of the staircase.
Anyways I feel I've made this post wayyyy too long already so not going to continue to mention more changes we could do to improve CP.
I used to talk to @$Fatal a ton about how to improve things when he was a leader. I was just way closer to him then I was to any other leader but this post I just mentioned 2 things.
I'll mention all the current ranks and a few elders that I know care about CP and are sometimes a rank. (Please feel free to mention what you think, what you disagree with and what we could change to instead) as this post was not posted very recently and we're already at the 7th page and doubt people will go back to read anything new mentioned. Will also mention a few core members that I know look out for the clans best interest. (legend+)
Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.
Posted 13 July 2016 - 02:56 PM

Lila, on 13 July 2016 - 02:18 PM, said:
Ricke, on 13 July 2016 - 12:20 AM, said:
Potter, on 12 July 2016 - 11:28 AM, said:
Thank you all for your participation and helpful feedback from my “Addition to the Ranking System Proposal.” One of the comments was unique, and I thought it could be a cool thing. @$Andrew the Jester said “Take away this Legend-Hero shit and make everyone a member. People who do stuff gets like another higher member rank.”
I thought this was an interesting concept and think it could be beneficial to the clan. If we take away advanced, elite, hero, legend and maybe even hall of fame rank and made everyone a member it would be a much simpler way of giving meaning to ranks. People who are inactive would get retired rank.
In addition to abolishing those ranks and making all of those people members, we would create a new rank for members who step up and show that they really care about the clan. This rank would be for prospective officers/council members. Also, teamspeak would look a lot cleaner, and we might have the same amount of members as elders for once!
ONE MORE THING: @$Inu brought to my attention that a lot of members would get butt hurt over losing their rank, and the time to make such a drastic change isn’t now. If you think this is a good idea, please vote yes, but it will not be implemented for a long time if at all. After the summer, people will start to be inactive and then it would be a good time to make a change like this or my other ranking system proposal.
Please vote in the poll above and let me know what you guys think. Also, add comments and concerns below. If you guys think this idea would do more harm than good we can continue editing my last proposal.
Thank you for your time

I just got to see how it is to get into a main clan and that shit has several steps, First they got the recruit step which is very much alike as the intro for pure clans, you become someone who is showing interest into the clan. (No return tab or stat requirements needed) You get acces to teamspeak and forums to be able to get to know the community and to gain trust by members. You can also attend events such as weekend trips. The requirement is 1 referral which has to be a member or higher rank.
After this you have the ''future applicant'' rank, for this you will need 3 referrals, which means you need to know 3 people in the clan you're about to join. So if you dont behave or act childish and being an annoyance to others you can get those 3 referalls during ur recruit period. You will need all requirements to be able to join the clan, which in our case apparently is the following:
ALL options require:
95+ Strength
95+ Range
94+ Magic
80+ Hitpoints
60+ Attack
45+ Prayer
57+ Woodcutting
1-25 Defense
you also need more forum activity, 30 post count. Some people who join CP has 2 post count, intro and application and they are done. Forums is supposed to make people feel more entitled to stay loyal and gain a sort of accomplishment which you dont want to lose, may be post count, may be honor system we once had which I personally miss. It made me want to post more of these kind of comments to see that you get upvotes on and you get a total of how many funny/helpful posts that people liked that you've made.
Anyways back to the story.
Once you've made it to the step to be able to make a future applicant post these are the actions you have to go through and also what officialls will go through
Day 1 - Introduction posted; begins to idle on Teamspeak and attend events
Day 2 - FA Application posted; continues to idle on Teamspeak and attend events
Day 3 - Application & History reviewed by Officials
Day 7 - Accepted as FA; granted private forum access. All security details reviewed.
Day 25 - Applicant is fitting in well with the community. Officials vote if applicant should be accepted.
Day 30 - Accepted as member
Literally takes 30 DAYSto become a member FROM FUTURE APPLICANT, here it can take a week from someone coming up to you to join the clan. Ofcourse it takes time from being a recruit (obviously not everyone will have the member reqs to join) to becoming a future applicant.
The point im trying to make is that we let people join toooooo easy, literally all you have to do is come on trips and you get to join our clan, BE A PART OF OUR CLAN. It should be more then that, you should need to have made a few good friends who can vouch for you to becoming a member. Winning with a bunch of people I know and care about, people I know care too. people that are my friends is more important to me then just joining whatever clan is the best right now and then win.
If we could just make it so it'd be harder to becoming a member, people work harder to becoming a member. People who work hard to become a member will also not be one of those guys who will just leave instantly, if you get to know a few good people which is required to join you wont just leave your friends.
2. Rank system, come on....I've said this before, there are few ranks that is a sense of achievement. Officer, Council, High Council and Leader, Guess you can throw in hall of famer in there aswell.
Advanced member, Elite member, Hero member, Legend member. They all are just a time you've been in the clan. Nothing else you need to achieve these ranks besides a tank test for elite. When people join a clan people might not have the ambition to try and work for an officer rank or higher, people might not have the time or the willing to go for this. Let them try a strive for something else, make them feel the advanced member rank is something to be proud of, make the elite rank feel like your one of those core members who really know what they are doing, a selected few can have this rank.
My solution:
Sure keep the a rank which tells you the time you've been in the clan but they could literally be called ''1 Month member'' ''2 Months member'' '' 4 Months Member'' ''1 Year member''
But make it so you're eligible to recive ''advanced, elite, hero and legend rank'' after following milestone above has been completed. But you will have to pass a voting which occures every month for these lower tier ranks. The people who are able to vote for the advanced member rank would be anyone with advanced member or higher and respectively for each of the ranks.
This now means you can be a Retired rank but also have a ''1 Year member'' achievement rank at the same time. So you can see what they have accomplished when they were active even though they have the retired rank now. I even want to stretch it so far that you can achieve a ''1 year member'' rank and also a ''Retired Advanced member'' rank, respectively for each of the ranks.
For example: You have been in CP for 1 year, never got voted in for any of the special member ranks (advanced, elite, hero, legend) You've just been a regular ordinary alright member who show up for trips, doesnt do anything special. Now lets say this guy goes inactive, he may recieve the following: The current '' Retired rank'' and also a ''1 Year member'' rank.
Another example, lets say someone has been in CP for 4 months and has been voted in for advanced member rank and then decided to retire. He may recieve the following: ''Retired advanced member'' rank and also the ''4 months member'' Rank.
''Elder'' rank has that going for them, people know that elders are retired ranks. People with a ''Retired'' rank basically goes back to 0, no accomplishments mentioned.
Earlier I mentioned people might not want to strive to become an official, but if they keep making these progresses up the rankings they will be alot closer. The officials will look more closely at what you do to show yourself worthy of taking that next step. The step which seemed to be too big to take when you were all the way down at the bottom of the staircase.
Anyways I feel I've made this post wayyyy too long already so not going to continue to mention more changes we could do to improve CP.
I used to talk to @$Fatal a ton about how to improve things when he was a leader. I was just way closer to him then I was to any other leader but this post I just mentioned 2 things.
I'll mention all the current ranks and a few elders that I know care about CP and are sometimes a rank. (Please feel free to mention what you think, what you disagree with and what we could change to instead) as this post was not posted very recently and we're already at the 7th page and doubt people will go back to read anything new mentioned. Will also mention a few core members that I know look out for the clans best interest. (legend+)

Made this a while back on some post Luke made about how to improve CP.
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