I'll finally be starting uni in a few months, so It's time to focus on IRL and hang up the game. I'll still swing by TS now and again to say hi, but I don't plan on playing anymore. I may sell an account or two - I'm still thinking about it.
Thanks to everyone who purchased my services, and a shout-out to the boys @$2pac @$Chris @LoLo @@Stoned @$Orphan. Met a lot of cool dudes in CP.


Edit: To clarify, I'm not quitting due to being cleaned/losing a lot of money. That fact is irrelevant lol. For the last 4-5 months the game has felt more like a chore than what it is;
A game. Though events were a lot of fun it felt like a chore logging in every day Wether to grind out skills or to come to events or anything like that (I'm not saying I didn't really enjoy wars/minis!). Today when I went to the arena, I intended on quitting whether I got cleaned or won bank. I'm just finally moving on from the game to focus on the more important things in life for me right now.
Edit: Regarding the two big projects I had going on (80-99 Agility for @$2pac and a maxed pure from scratch for @LoLo):