Several accusations have been made about me dropping Castle Wars items, straight-stealing people's money, obtaining Defence on people's pures, and/or recovering/intending to recover accounts I sold to @$Andrew and @Earmuffs.
If you think any of this, then you are misinformed.
Allow me to enlighten you on the reality of my situation:
I removed 110M from @KFC's account PAISA69, I staked it all, with the hope of generating profit, and yet I lost all of it. I have since paid him back 80M, meaning I still owe him 30M.
I removed 150M from @Sensitive's account Extra Vodkaa, I staked it all, with the hope of generating profit, and yet I lost all of it. I have not paid him back anything yet, meaning I still owe him 150M.
I owe @$Chemz $95 for services which I cannot provide or complete at this time. I have not paid him back anything yet, meaning I still owe him $95 of the original $100 he sent me (I provided to him $5 worth of services).
I owe @$Shiny $120 for services which I cannot provide or complete at this time. I have not paid him back anything yet, meaning I still owe him $120 of the original $185 he sent me (I provided to him $65 worth of services).
While I realize this is fucked up, I don't need your social commentary or opinions belittling me, especially as I'm already going through difficult shit in my personal life. I know how wrong it was for me to cause such inconveniences to people - I only did it with the hope of making a profit, which obviously didn't happen, and I accept full responsibility for what I have done. I realize I have a gambling addiction, which is why I have sold my maxed main to a friend for so cheap, to abruptly end this behavior. I have already spoken in detail with each person, and I intend to repay and make-up for them. I don't need you to tell me how to live my life, that you're a better person and would never do something like this, or have you accusing me of other shit just because you can.
I have never obtained Defence levels on anybody's account.
I have never dropped any untradeable item (such as Fire cape, Castle Wars gear, et cetera) from anybody's account.
I have not recovered the account "Sica" that I sold to @$Andrew, and I never will.
I have not recovered the account "Big Earmuffs" that I sold to @Earmuffs, and I never will, unless he charges back the $230 that he paid for it.
I have never removed gold from anybody's account, outside of what is listed above. I slaved for this clan to earn everything, my reputation and my earnings. I work for my money and pay my fucking dues.
If you think anything else, then you have been misled by someone who's making unfounded accusations.
I am not some criminal, so quit treating me like one; I have literally been loyal to this clan for 3 years. If you think I would throw all this away for 400M/$400, then you're fucking braindead. I have always been an open and honest person; nothing about me has changed, except that I made some poor choices that affected 4 people in this clan, all of whom I intend to repay once I can afford to do so.
Outside of these 4 people I'm indebted to, you should all mind your own goddamn business and leave me the fuck alone, because I have never wronged any of you whatsoever - in fact, I liked and respected a lot of you people, until this stupid shit happened and practically everyone changed up on me because of hearsay.
If some day you're missing 50M or can't find your Fire cape, then that doesn't mean I fucking did it. Use your fucking brain and realize there are other, way shittier people in this world than me. I have already admitted to all my wrongdoings, so fuck off with all these other accusations.
I realize I am no longer going to be offering or providing services in this clan, because people have blown this shit out of proportion and completely destroyed my reputation - which is exactly why I have no interest in continuing to be a part of this (nor any other) clan, surrounded by people repeatedly insulting and threatening me. People I once considered respectable friends, have become complete fucking assholes, all over something that does not concern them.
I do not want to be part of a community that disrespects me, and neither would you, if you were in my position. So, unless you are among the 4 people I owe something to, or someone that hasn't gone full retard, then this will likely be the last you see from me.

To Clear Things Up
Started by
, May 24 2017 03:11 AM
Posted 24 May 2017 - 03:11 AM

Posted 24 May 2017 - 03:38 AM

Posted 24 May 2017 - 03:46 AM

Posted 24 May 2017 - 04:02 AM

You have a gambling addiction and should not be trusted
Posted 24 May 2017 - 04:35 AM

i feel you on the gambling, but do hope you pay those affected back.
People should trust others at their own risk and thats the end of that.
People should trust others at their own risk and thats the end of that.
Posted 24 May 2017 - 04:45 AM

How we know that it was him who made this topic hehe
Posted 24 May 2017 - 06:10 AM

get help
Posted 24 May 2017 - 06:34 AM

I'll always love ya disloyal, but you definitely need to get some help for your gambling addiction! best of luck my friend
Posted 24 May 2017 - 06:53 AM

Posted 24 May 2017 - 07:01 AM

I don't know what this is about but we should talk, maybe I could help even if it to be a friend.
Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.
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