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Question On losing Weight

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View PostPop, on 13 April 2012 - 02:05 AM, said:

Is lifting involved?I am assuming so so ill speak on lifting perspective..(this is assuming you love and cherish your muscle)

The first question is lol,you can get up and do some cardio or start lifting

Cardio is Good I know but how much is enough?
Good cardio is cardio that can put you in targeted required heart-rate.If you are trying to burn fat and simply fat only (cutting is the term for bodybuilding)..Your cardio should be cardio that you can converse with another person,not haling ass as if you are running for your life. Eventually you will of course build up so it will get longer and you can still converse with others.

Maintaining a Healthy Diet I also know is a key part along with Cardio but how much should you intake and what else besides cardio can you do?

If you are trying to lose weight..You must eat at a caloric deficit..Now you are wondering..how do do i know my caloric deficit number? First,if you have a android phone,download an app.It can track your calories making sure you do not surpass..Anyway for you to know the amount of cals you should be around daily (do not go above it 250+cals more)
Use this site: http://www.bmi-calcu...bmr-calculator/   ...Whichever digits they give you..that is the required cals to eat daily to lose weight weekly..do NOT go below it by over 500..nor above by over 300..

Is Doing cardio with Weight vests or Sweat Suits good idea?
Its ok i guess,but are you trying to become firefighter? And if your current cardio sucks..i guess adding a bit more weight can help aslong as you can hold a convo.Is it necessary? absolutely NOT...And as for clothing it doesnt really matter..but sweat suits..or sauna suits..you are risking heat stroke.

Fastest way to burn pounds and pounds and pounds and pounds and ect ect ect???

Calorie deficit is #1..THAT DOES NOT MEAN STARVE Yourself
Exercise #2
Sleep and rest #3
This. You can do all the cardio you want, but if you have a shit diet, expect to make no progress. Just eat at a deficit of 500 calories less than maintenance a day and you can lose up to 1lb/week. If you're losing more than 1.5lbs/wk that's a bit unhealthy. You can incorporate cardio into your daily routine I guess. I mean it's good for the heart and everything and can speed up the process, but a good diet where you have a deficit of 500 calories is good enough.
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