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Peter's Blog and Tips

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    Niggas Gona Nig

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Some of you know I work out, run, play sports and like to stay in shape. If you have any questions feel free to message me on forums, make a topic or talk to me in IRC when I'm on.

So I became a workout fanatic coming into my sophomore year in high school back in 2007. I knew I was going to have to get stronger if I wanted to be a solid varsity player in football and volleyball. Also did a year of both wrestling and basketball but I preferred to have winters off so I could focus on studying and only really play sports in the fall, spring and summer while still being in shape all year long.

Going into my junior year of football I started getting stronger at most of the free weights I attempted since they are a big part of working out and getting in shape especially for high endurance and strength sports like football and running. Before I even lifted weights consistently I always used to run stairs (hope you guys know what that is lol) whether in my school which had like 5 floors or the stadium outside. Really chiseled your butt and lower body so it was really good.

Once I started working out more in the summer of 2008 the only supplement I used was Isopure Mass which is basically whey protein powder that you can mix with milk or water (yuck). Whey protein is all you really need along with a good diet which excludes things like white rice, white bread, salts which are bad for you. I've learned not to use or depend on things like creatine since my instructors knew what they were telling me, being former weight lifters, owning their own gyms and now being my coaches or P.E. teachers. Never good for you in the long run so don;t use creatine, you don't need it.

When lifting Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays in the morning around 5:30a.m. you got used to it after a couple weeks and imo the morning is the best time to work out since you have all your energy as you wake up and you become more alert once you start the workout. Working out in the afternoon never became my thing after I experienced how much better the morning workouts were. It's a routine and it will take time getting used to but I think its the best time of the day to do so. Same thing you could say about running. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays were mostly dedicated to running as well as abs and smaller muscles you could not work on the other days. Starting off slow running about 2 miles the first time and eventually going up to 3.5 on a Saturday works best. Then the next week you go back down to 2 since you are going to be tired and keep going up as you did last week. Eventually your body will adapt and you can do a greater distance in the weeks to come.

When lifting  prefer to stick to the free weights since hey involve all of your muscles in an area you work on. I usually worked on the bench, military press, squat, clean and jerk as the main free weight exercises you could do. Most of the exercises that are not free weight such as the leg extension even the leg press are basically useless and its been proven they harm your joints more than they help your muscles and physique. Below are just some times and max's I got:

Bench: 245
Squat: 315
Military Press: 165
Clean and jerk: ~270ish
Best mile time: 6:52 min

I used to weigh 220 playing football senior year and dropped down to 190 in a couple of  months which really helped me play v-ball and get some hops lol. I currently weigh 197lbs and have slacked off a little, but hope the better weather will motivate me to start running again and do a little lifting as well. I've always wanted to drop down to 185lbs and I almost did 2 years ago when I was around 188 in the spring. Being 6' 2" makes this really hard!

If you didn't bother to read everything above here are some of my tips that I recommend you try.

1. When doing a free weight workout such as a bench press start off just warming up with the bar which is 45lbs so you can make sure your form is correct and your not sore or anything. Just do about 8-10 reps to make sure you are warmed up and good to go. Then start doing 8 reps of a weight you can do. For me it was 8 reps of 135lbs. Then just keep moving the weight up while increasing the repetitions, so at 6 reps I did 170, 4 reps at 205, and 2 at 225. If you can do all this cleanly that's great now comes the best part. After you are done with the 2 reps you go back to your starting weight which you did at 8 reps which would be 135lbs. At this point you do what is called a burnout and just do as many reps as you possibly can at your starting weight. This is what will help you build muscle and keep moving up your weights for next time. Same thing applies to the other free weight workouts

2. Point of working out is not so it is easy, if it is you are basically just wasting your time. Every time you are working out do something until FAILURE just like the burnout reps in the bench press. You can only get stronger by challenging your muscles to do more than they can.

3. If you are going to use supplements I suggest using whey protein NOT CREATINE, you do none of these thats great just to stick to a high protein diet of fish, meat, spaghetti and pasta along with a bunch of greens.

4. Green Tea: Been proven that if you take green tea 30 min before you run and/or 30 min after you run you will burn twice as much calories/fat. Plus it tastes good, I always add just a little honey to it but not too much.

5. Workout with a friend and with music/iPod. Hopefully each of you will push each other to work harder (assuming you guys aren't fucking around when lifting). Music will also help you out, personally I cannot lift without music. If you need some good metal, rock and rap songs when working out ask =)

6. Never lift twice in a day or focus on one area in 2 days. This is why I stick to Mo We Fri Intervals so your muscles have time to regenerate.

7. Never not eat to lose weight. If you are running and lifting while not eating thinking you will lose weight and stay healthy, you are wrong. You need food and so do your muscles, don't starve yourself, eat some fruits or vegetables and some milk or OJ if you can. You have to learn how to eat healthy, not eat at all.

8. Nutrition labels: If you have to look at one thing on the nutrition label it would be sodium. Sodium = salts = bad for you. A Big Mac has 1040mg of sodium, holy shit. Very bad for you, things like canned soup and chicken dinners etc all have sodium to preserve the taste which are bad and cause you to gain weight. Even canned peas and corn have some sodium, that is why it is best to stick to fresh fruit and vegetables.

Any questions ask below.


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Nice topic. You should make a chart so you're more likely to keep this updated after every time you work out.

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    Niggas Gona Nig

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View PostChain, on 13 April 2012 - 02:00 PM, said:

Nice topic. You should make a chart so you're more likely to keep this updated after every time you work out.

rather not, goals that I set on a piece of paper don't motivate me. I have other ways


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Some of you know I work out, run, play sports and like to stay in shape.



    Niggas Gona Nig

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View PostRob, on 13 April 2012 - 03:01 PM, said:


shocking aint it


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Nice, didn't know canned soup was bad.

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View PostRob, on 13 April 2012 - 03:01 PM, said:

nah he does shit roberto what do u do?


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View PostFurl, on 13 April 2012 - 03:23 PM, said:

Nice, didn't know canned soup was bad.



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