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Chain's New Workout Goal

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  • Posts: 459
    • RSN:L0L
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MyFitnessPal Pride.Gl but try 2months for it

My deficit is usually 600-1000(sometimes even over 1200 but i have cheat meals)..reason being some days of the cardio+liftin cals burned,more of a deficit,or i just dont eat that much that day.

Everyday there's no major defict. Usually eat 300less once a week to remind my body im ok,and for it not to enter starvation mode which will stop me from losin weight.

Btw howmany cals do you need to maintain?
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  • Posts: 8,600
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It's 1600 a day to lose 2 lbs a week, 1750 if I work out

i've already lost 2 lbs doing this for not even a week lol

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  • Posts: 459
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Yea first week of a sudden change will be most weight lost,it will later get slowed down.Gl
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