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The Real You

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    Corrupt Forever.

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View PostMaster Jig, on 30 March 2013 - 02:36 AM, said:

View Post8loodyarcher, on 28 March 2013 - 10:18 PM, said:

[a] Don't see how the theory of evolution and the big bang contradict anything that is taught in Christianity or the other two Abrahamic religions.

[b] I understand your point, but how could the laws of physics and mathematics be set in stone? I am a firm believer of the big bang theory but how could all these complex laws exist in the time before, time itself even existed. and just pop up out of nowhere and create itself. You have to remember that before the spark that caused the series of events after the big bang nothing existed not even the pure notion of nothingness existed.

[a] in christianity.. The God.. created everything in 7 days.. one of those creations included in the "everything" were humans.. he "created" adam and eve.. which would mean full fledged, full EVOLVED humans.. in the bible they spoke.. to eachother... to god.. w.e...
where as with darwins theory of evolution... the primordial soup + time + random = life and beings which would then "evolve" into the humans we are today.. i however.. disagree with both.

[b] believe me the every single theory that ive read on what time ACTUALLY IS... has been taken into my brain.. whether i understand everything in the lectures/theorys i hear doesnt concern me but i absorb it and it plays part in my overall beliefs.. i know that if time is even REAL... then time as WE UNDERSTAND it... has a beginning and an end... but the way i think about it... TIME is one whole big thing itself.. and the alpha and omega have already began and ended... but it still changes.. kind of like the video said about the waves of the ocean.. its like the ocean of time.. its always one big whole.. but the surface is always changing.. all the time.. (imo because of the power of free will). annd on the other note.. if you look at how everything is... (regarding the laws of time/space/reality)... the universe, as far as planets locations go.. is pretty random.. (which is how i would assume it would be if the big bang theory is true), when the explosion or implosion or w.e created the universe everything was spread thru endless space as far as we understand... buttttttt the planets in our solar system all revolve perfectly.. lwhy doesnt the moon eventually crash into the earth.. or get sucked into the sun... there ARE some laws that are just LIFE. thats my view

... just being brief

A. In the beginning God created etc etc etc
It doesn't explain through what means he created the world, Christians fully believe that the human body was created through millions of years of evolution and will continue to change as the human species moves on. What Christians believe is that a God created the human soul in his image.

B. The big bang theory isn't a theory on how the universe was created, its a theory on how it evolved. There is a huge difference.

| Corrupt Pures | Elder | Corrupt Since 09' | #Clan-CP |

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Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."


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Ghost Ablyss

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To Be Honesty I Connected On A Whole Nother Level Which Im Going To Use Words How I Want To Form Them. Stealing Flows: I Aint Mad. Stealing Flows: Taking Someone Elses Words And Using Them To Your Advantage. Now Think About Life, When We Die Its The End And A New Beginning For Someone Else or Sum Sort of Being. Now Where Im Heading With This Is The World Is Growing Up To Follow Everybody So He's Right Your The Life Of This Person Which Would Be The Demon. The End. I Can Keep Going.

S0ulja Pk

S0ulja Pk
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The question: What do you believe happens to us after we die? If you feel we just "die" and nothing special happens, state why you believe that. You could also explain why you feel any other explanation of what happens after we die is wrong. Be sure to explain your answer regardless.

If you were to look at it at a literal sense, I think we'd just die. I mean you can't really dream if you're dead because you don't really have a brain and such. Who you are is in your frontal lobe if you were to look at it in a scientific way. If you died, your frontal lobe will die with the brain making you dead. On the other hand, from a religious point of view I believe that there is a second chance for people who deserve it. I think that God gave us the life we have now to test us. If we are decent human beings who do not purposely cause harm to anyone then we deserve a second chance. In my religion, we believe that if you deliberately make poor choices as to hurting others and such your whole life, then you will be reincarnated as something horrible and if you do "good" all your life then you will be reincarnated into something beautiful. I put quotes around the word "good" because there isn't an actual right or wrong to explain what "good" is. What many of us think is "good" is what we have learned our whole lives, it is just socities view of it and we have conformed and made that our belief. But back to the topic, I do believe that our souls do carry on in one way or another. How so, I don't think anyone will ever find that out until it happens to them.

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    Exotic Pharmacist

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I always belived that when you die, you go into a dream forever and never waking up, where your own emagination you create everything around you your familly theere personality everything you have learned thru out your life, but as i grew i started thinking, how can you be in a dream forever and not waking up? when your burry, after a long time your body whill start to eat it self animals growing and eating your body, so wheres your brain now? i also was thinking of the number of people dying and the number of babies being born, i belive people say all this to make you feel good about your death, i dont have a religion i dont belive in jesus at all, but i do belive in one main source of life that started everything also called god, our body releases energy, when you pray you are realleasing energy if alot of people realease enough energy in order for something to happend it whill eventually happend, theres just to many questions bout life, that noone really knows, i dont know how els to express how i feel about this, but ill keep my post updated,
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When you die, you die.. your gone.. no existence. when animals die, they die. nobody gives a shit. Humans brains are far more developed then any other mammal on this planet, which has given us the ability to create religion, and afterlife. if our brains never developed and we were all still cave men.. would we be talking about this right now? we'd die.. and not think anything about it..because we wouldn't have the ability to.

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View PostConvict, on 12 April 2013 - 01:32 PM, said:

When you die, you die.. your gone.. no existence. when animals die, they die. nobody gives a shit. Humans brains are far more developed then any other mammal on this planet, which has given us the ability to create religion, and afterlife. if our brains never developed and we were all still cave men.. would we be talking about this right now? we'd die.. and not think anything about it..because we wouldn't have the ability to.

Dolphins have more advanced brains than humans...just sayin.

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View PostiDoopy, on 15 April 2013 - 03:46 AM, said:

View PostConvict, on 12 April 2013 - 01:32 PM, said:

When you die, you die.. your gone.. no existence. when animals die, they die. nobody gives a shit. Humans brains are far more developed then any other mammal on this planet, which has given us the ability to create religion, and afterlife. if our brains never developed and we were all still cave men.. would we be talking about this right now? we'd die.. and not think anything about it..because we wouldn't have the ability to.

Dolphins have more advanced brains than humans...just sayin.
Lol. another guy who read something once about how dolphins are more intelligent than humans and totally goes along w/ it




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View PostConvict, on 12 April 2013 - 01:32 PM, said:

When you die, you die.. your gone.. no existence. when animals die, they die. nobody gives a shit. Humans brains are far more developed then any other mammal on this planet, which has given us the ability to create religion, and afterlife. if our brains never developed and we were all still cave men.. would we be talking about this right now? we'd die.. and not think anything about it..because we wouldn't have the ability to.

^ this

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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