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Thing/People I Hate

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  • Posts: 1,156
    • IRC:[CP]SM0K3
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funny how thats not my name btw i can get u kicked for releasing irl info so watch your mouth retard

Irc Nick: [CP]SM0K3



    The clan world revolves around CP

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Unnecessary letters in words like Bologna. wtf!? it should be spelt baloney!


Founder of the following terms:

Ah yes, heh, pffff, ye bro etc, yea bro?, _______ in 2k16?, k9k, rif rof

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@Leader 2012-2014

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.




    The grass ain't greener on the other side it's just blue

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View PostSM0K3, on 19 December 2011 - 11:12 AM, said:

funny how thats not my name btw i can get u kicked for releasing irl info so watch your mouth retard
ur the worst rank moron

she send me pictures to my iphone

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then I gotta clear em cause my girl be checking my phone

Ex-@Leader of the Best & Most Aspiring Pure Clan





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me next =]

People who disrespect our ranks
People who don't listen on pk trips
When people put blame on someone else
When I'm calling and drunk be like "STFU" then I be like ok.
When people act like they can fight, when they live in Suburbs of Texas
Getting fussed at by my dad
School in general
Porn when the hoe doesnt get faced fucked
Anal porn
Gay people except husky
clans like Tr
clans that talk shit and dont back it up
purewarfare propaganda
when people say my account is shitty, I already know it is I only want combat levels
when i get out the shower and dont have a towel
living in texas
missing california
dancing with a stupid slut at a party
when fat bitches wanna grind -_-
smoking weed and its all gone
passing weed to my friends
having to ask my parents to do stuff when im 17 already
not being able to drive yet
walking when i should be driving
when females fight over a dude
when dudes fight over a female
the feeling of shaving without shaving cream

that's pretty much it..

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    One & Only

  • Posts: 6,002
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were you high when you wrote this

@Leader 2010-2012

^Elder Dec. 2012~

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    Chicken Nigga

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lol no i was just bored :S

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    Chicken Nigga

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Str In Sara1

Str In Sara1
  • Posts: 234
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I hate when high levels join a low lvl clan when they are all lvl 60 and 70s and they are like lvl 100+ cb and they think they can do anything they want. and everyone who doesnt like mg


  • Posts: 2,359
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haters gunna hate
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