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Official Corrupt Pures Rank Appreciation

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    One & Only

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In this topic discuss why you admire each current rank. This can range from complimenting, advising, etc etc.

objective : make them blush


Merk -

David -

Weezy -

Shiny -

Joey Venom -

Doopy -

@Leader 2010-2012

^Elder Dec. 2012~

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    ✟Every nigga did you wrong, except for me✟

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Merk - Doing his job right at the moment i like the way he handles things in the shadows cause if it wasn't for that idk lol (I have never heard merk call before)
Weezy - Same thing as Merk
David - Leader of the Pk trips but, wish he and drunk wouldn't fight so much during them....
Joey Venom - Chill Nigga who know's how to inspire his members well deserved council tbh
Doopy - Idk haven't seen anything BIG from Doopy except that he trains his account like a motherfucker lol
Shiny - Haven't seen much from Shiny either but i bet he's doing something undercover for CP

Proud Elder of Corrupt Pures

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  • Posts: 8,600
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Merk - The best leader in pure clanning right now. You could say FI or MM's leaders but neither of them have the support Merk does. They were given everything they have, Merk has literally rebuilt this clan into his own while still following the CP ideals. He has gained the respect of every member in this clan because of how hard he works, even when there are people in this clan who have been here for years longer than him, that should say enough.

David - Became respected, becoming a top caller in pure clans, good work ethic, has potential to one day lead CP. Nothing more to really say for David because he is one of the hardest working people in CP and I really do feel privledged to have him, regardless of all the shit me and Drunk give him. The sky is the limit for David.

Weezy - I knew before he joined he was a part of some lower leveled clans staff, he worked his way through the ranks with ease because of his work ethic and his high ceiling of potential. It's cool to see the newer generation pure clanners looking up to him because he left that lower leveled clans staff to start fresh with CP and he worked his way up with hard work, he's a success story for those people. His potential is still limitless as well but it's up to him if he wants more.

Shiny - Long time CP member, has been a part of this core for years. Has definitely learned how to handle himself as an official and because of how he handles himself has become more respected throughout the clan. Can always count on him to help out.

Joey Venom - Perfect personality and does anything to better the clan. I can't say one thing bad about him besides the fact he joined CP so late into his pure clanning life, I think if he would of joined when he was younger he could of been a big help to myself, Drunk, and Chad when we were all active.

Doopy - Has the most potential out of all of the Councils because of how old he is. I would love to see him become even more involved and want to do things to better the clan. Call more, make his voice become more known. He is actually very intelligent and I feel if he just believed in his ideas and followed through with him he would get really far in this clan.

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  • Posts: 8,600
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Don't post unless you are going to follow Chad's format kthx

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    ESSEX #1

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Merk - Merk you command alot of respect but still have banter with fellow clan members which I think is great, I think to many leaders get power obsessed and only talk with other ranks, I love how you seem like another member. When it comes to organization you really have it down, Processing all the information that helps david call in wars is second to none, glad to have you to rely on!

David - Got to say, Alot of people didn't think you could handle it at the top of CP, But you do it in your stride, Although me and others give you stick about Age / Weight etc etc, Everyone respects you and you get your head together and the clan together when it needs to be, When anyone seems to be getting unfairly treated in TS / IRC you step in which I belive a respectable leader / rank should do.

Weezy - You are one of the ranks I have spoken less to, But to be completely honest with you, you wouldn't be where you are today if david / merk / drunk / chain / toxine didn't think much of you, You are obviously doing something right to get accepted (after) me? I think? And take such a commanding role within the clan :), Well done mate and best of luck in the future.

Shiny - Your CC pics are amazing man honestly, Nah Im kidding you are a really cool guy and an asset to CP, You keep a level head even with the mexican insults being thrown at you 24/7, I think you are one of the most loyal members / Ranks to CP.

Joey Venom - YOU FUCK YOU GOT ACCEPTED LIKE MONTHS AFTER ME, But I love you, At first via your intro I thought you were just some cocky kid, But you seem to have grown in to this sexy beastofaman and have become a great asset to the clan motivating people daily!, I think you should also call more :)

Doopy - Very clan orientated guy, A nice guy but I think you need to interact with the clan a little more!, You must be doing your job well or you wouldn't be a rank! Remember step up and call when its silent in TS you are there backbone mate! And your good at it belive in yourself brother! Don't let people bring you down calling you stupid shit even though I rant and rave at you as does drunk / david when you are silent you are doing good bro, You handle your shit and help the clan so much with your topics about gear / invents and getting people motivated for non PVP events such as bandos! PS: Get lost with the pics of you getting cash, MAKES ME SO MAD.





    One & Only

  • Posts: 6,002
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Merk - Perfection in a bundle. Having seen Merk showcase his intelligence & dedication for the past 2 years has truly been a pleasure. His presence during any event can be felt throughoutly, which basically just makes the whole clan atmostphere that much more enjoyable. His transition from being a low rank into a leader was absolutely flawless, something that I've never seen happen. With the standard of CP Leadership being perfection, Merk has proven that and more in his time as leader. Without a doubt, I'm sure Drunk & Chain wouldn't have chosen to have CP open if Merk wasn't available to take the lead. From start to finish he's showcased what being a Corrupt Pure leader is all about and more.

David - I met David when he was literally 10 years old. Personally it's been surreal seeing David's development from being a little kid in 2006 into one of the best ranks I've seen come out in this new generation of clanning. Never ceases to amaze me with all of his clever & cunning antics he pulls to put CP on top of the enemy. With the responsibility of CP falling onto David's shoulders at the beginning of OSRS, came immense expectations. Seeing David handle all of the pressure of being the next 'Drunkin R2h' was really something to see. Seeing him mold this CP into something which suits him best speaks volumes on how much he's matured as a rank and how he's a force to be reckoned with in the future.

Weezy - One of the few members who I got excited for when he first joined. His sheer potential of being something huge in CP made me extremely eager to see how he would hold himself as a rank. Weezy has shown throughout his clanning period his dedication which is 1st to none, leaving SV as a leader, only to start over in CP as a new member because of his want to be something more. On his climb to the top he always displayed how high quality of a core individual he was. At the start of OSRS, with CP needing new role models, Weezy stepped up tremondously to become one of the pillars that hold CP together to this day. Weezy's transition from being a member into a rank has been nothing but perfect. Seeing Weezy's acceptance of the whole "I'm a cocky, stubborn fuck" type of mentality that comes with being a CP rank with such ease has made it even that much more enjoyable to see.

Joey Venom - JV literally took CP by storm when he first joined. Showcasing his quality & willingness to do anything to help CP from moment he joined. I mean everything about this guy is perfect, ranging from his awesome attitude, intelligence, and zeus like body. The amount of work JVs put in from day 1 as a member up until now as a Council is something that I've grown to admire quite alot which I rarely do. Very few instances are there individuals in clans who have the ability to change the clan's mood with ease and the way JV does it is definietly something thats nothing short of impressive. His presence and attitude that he's brought into CP has only made the CP mentality that much more admireable ( and hated even more by enemies). One of the few people in recent years that I've really admired for his work ethic and all around being an awesome person.

Shiny - Without a doubt the most loyal person I've come to meet on this game. In my many years of clanning wtih Shiny, not one day have I seen him being negative in any way, instead always being positive in every situation no matter how bad the odds are against us. Rarely do I try to model myself after another person but witnessing Shiny's clan pride 1st hand is motivation all on its own. Having never seen Shiny say anything demeaning or negative towards CP for as long as he's been in the clan is something that I've grown extremely fond of. During his time as a CP rank Shiny has truly defined himself for being one of the main factors on why CP functions as it does and how the community is much more like a family.

Doopy - Seeing Doopys progression from the beginning of OSRS to now is an amazing feat. From being a typical new clanner with little to no knowledge to becoming a top notch big guy is something thats rare now a days. Seeing Doopys constant push for utmost quality among members is also another factor that makes him that good. His sheer presence on the battlefield boosts CP moral along with scaring the shit out of the opposing clan, just one of those ingame guys that people rarely fuck with. The strides at which Doopy has progressed in terms of his quality & him getting to know what being a CP rank is all about has been really refreshing, really proving how capable he is of being something much more in the future.

@Leader 2010-2012

^Elder Dec. 2012~

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    One & Only

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As Chain mentioned, these guys build everything on their own. Nothing was handed to them, instead every single aspect of the clan was built from the bottom up. With the handing down of CP from the Elders to the current staff came alot of responsibility and its really not possible to have done it as well as these guys have done.

The combination of these guys based on how unique and different they are from one another is perfect. I'm not trying to boast our dominance over any other clan but seeing as how each of these guys bring their own mentality of what CP should be and eventually finding some common ground is a really exciting thought, aka that next era of CP with their own unique outlook on clanning.

The pace at which each of these guys are maturing and improving is something that I've really never seen before. The whole concept of how CP will turn out to be in the near future is something that I take alot of interest in because ... not too long ago I was in their position.

@Leader 2010-2012

^Elder Dec. 2012~

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Lmfao Scott

Lmfao Scott

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Merk - You're active af and a cool guy to talk to, great leader ofc
David - Takes his position seriously and has a strong fetish for chubby guys
Weezy - Cool nigga
Shiny - Your replys on the forums are pretty funny and I think it's your 4n accent that I like listening to during trips
Joey Venom - Very welcoming, one of the first people I talked to when I joined
Doopy - Tied me up and said if I don't make an app he's lighting me on fire, lol jk. Introduced me to CP and you're very dedicated and you take your position very seriously. My nigga

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Merk - Knowledgeable, respected, and easy to talk to. Three qualities every leader should have.

David - Hes kool L0L

Weezy  Cool guy, one of the easiest members to talk to and he probably deserves a lot more appreciation for what he does behind the scenes.

Shiny - Funny 4ner, I like talking to him about soccer and he gets serious when necessary, but an all around bro. Kinda weird tho (insert rape quote here)

Joey Venom - Best looking member in CP ever....also a cool guy who I enjoy talking to, sorta fked up my fcape tho fgt

Doopy - Scapes like its his IRL job, would die for the game, and CP :D

CP 2007-2009; 2013-

HF 2009-2011

Been around :D

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all goals completed 8/30/13

next goal: Maxed.

i been had fuckin yo bitch

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  • Posts: 4,278
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Merk - Despite not agreeing on the preivous leadership on promoting Merk, I have to say I was wrong. Jimmy has even blown me away with his dedication and communication with the pure world. Dubbed the new 'Chain' I feel is an understatement - Merk has more potential with his friendly attuidie and respect towards fellow clan mates. Something older ranks have yet to understand.

David - We all know why David is warlord, so we can bully the shit out of him, but on a note of his rank, he does deserve Warlord. He is the only person I could think of whom could lead trips and keep the clan in order. Despite his age, he mas more experience than my whole history leader Complexity and Calamity. Surely we're very grateful to have such an amazing person in CP.

Weezy - Could be amazing, however, I feel he still has some problems trying to connect with other members. I hope this doesn't stop his future here and continues to learn and share his RuneScape skills with us.

Shiny - Unsung Hero: Deserves so much more than Council, I feel his dedication and hard work hasn't got noticed enough due to the baised promotions of the past. I now feel that the new leadership really respect the fact they have such a great Council like Shiny. No job is too hard for this bad boy. <3

One of the olderst ranks still here. He is loved, admired and well-respected not only in CP but around other clans.

Joey Venom - I've not known JV long but I gotta he has what it takes. He's more mature than most and I can see him growing well in the next few months. Could do with working on his in-game skills but meh; not always about RuneScape to become an amaizng rank. :)

Doopy - Same goes for Doopy, haven't known him that long but I can see he has a future here in CP. I like his nerdish outlook on RuneScape, which makes him perfect for leading and keeping newer members in check.

Keep it up everyone!

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Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.

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