Official Corrupt Pures Rank Appreciation
Started by
, Nov 11 2013 11:13 AM
Posted 13 November 2013 - 08:48 PM

Posted 13 November 2013 - 08:52 PM

I typed it on my phone while high so sorry for any errors lul. But I love my ranks and my clan.
Posted 13 November 2013 - 10:40 PM

Posted 13 November 2013 - 11:15 PM

Merk - Being in this clan for only 2 month and hanging around you guys for about 3 months, i've come to have an immense amount of respect for this kid. I do not know what it is, or what wizardry this guy pulls on me. But with that being said.. The privilege I have to be under this Leader, Merk, is an honor. I've never seen this guys face, nor heard his voice, but there is no other leader in my clan history that i respect more than this guy. Hearing your stories about how he was a little guy, then was put in the position of leader is amazing to hear. I trust that this guy will lead us to the top. Sure hes not a Mahatma, or a 13th ranger. But hes our own god. If you don't respect this guy then you seriously need to rethink your life. The fact that this guy put faith in me (and still does to this day) when I was joining and when idiots accuse me of being an eop spy or a spy overall (LOL) and the fact that I was able to have an honest talk about the way I feel about this clan and the people I have met in this clan when I have NEVER been able to talk honestly about a clan the way I did to him, all of this is strange and I don't know what it is about Merk that makes me trust him the way I do. I'm sure i'm not the only one that feels this way tho. Anyway, besides personal feelings and experiences. What Merk does for this clan must be an immense load on his shoulders, and I swear I have never seen Merk in a bad mood nor have I ever heard him complain about anything. I know if I were given his position while i was in highschool I wouldn't be able to do half the shit he does. Hes our mystery man. Hes our Dark Knight. Always in the shadows, making sure we're safe and healthy just for the sake of being the best he can be is something to admire. i love u jimmy pls marry me
David - David seems to be a retard, and he is a dickbag, at times. But this kid is something we should all hope to be one day. He takes everyday like it were an e z job to him. I know I complain about David more often than I should but realizing that the weight of the responsibilities he has in this clan must be heavy. I used to think that he could be better at calling and leading trips and things like that, but seeing how much of a douche Drunk is to David, and seeing that David gives no fucks about what he has to say makes me feel like this kid is a badass. He tries his absolute best and I respect him for that. There isn't anyone at your age that could do what you do to be completely honest. I know with age you will only get better at what you do. Keep trying your best, and keep being the David we all know and love.
Weezy - When I first joined, Weezy wasn't really around much but he soon came in and oh god he was a dick. I hated Weezy, but realizing that Weezy is a good guy and just doesn't take people's retardation lightly made me step back and calm my intense autism. Weezy is the type of guy who will beat your ass for being stupid but he will pick you up and wipe the blood off of your fucked up face and buy you a beer. Weezy is rapidly gaining my respect and I am sure that sooner or later he will be at the top of everyone's "favorite ranks list." I remember when Weezy poked me on teamspeak and started asking me things about the way I am in this clan. To be honest I thought he was accusing me of being a spy like other idiots do, but i realized he just wanted me to be the best I could be for this clan. He gave me the push I needed to progress me into being a patriotic member. He pushed me to be more active. Because of him and Joshua, I TRY everynight to get at least 1 person to notice CP and consider joining (Recruiting.) His push was the one that pushes me past being rejected and long hours at night scouting popular pure places. I know if I ever become anything in cp, it will be because of Weezy. Thank you.
Shiny - Shiny is one of the nicest people I have ever met on runescape. I know I am retarded at times, and I flame way more than I probably should. But Shiny always keeps a cool mindset about it and he is still kind to me. Besides the fact that he is a beautiful man irl, he has my utmost respect. I have no doubt at all that he is ALWAYS ALWAYS doing something for CP when he is online. You have my respect, and I thank you for being the rank that CP needs.
Joey Venom - When I first joined CP, it seemed like I wasn't going to like anyone. But out of the clouds came Joey. Joey is someone I admire online, and admire irl. Joey is a god, but is still one of the nicest, funniest, coolest guy I have ever met. I do not know what most ranks do behind the scenes, so I can't really type anything out about Joey regarding that. But what JV does for us is something that most people need in their lives. He is like a big brother, he comes in and makes you smile. He makes you feel confident because he is just so kind to you at all times. I've never been in a clan that has someone like JV, and I wish he wasn't so busy with his life so he can be on more often, but I am glad that he is doing his thing. I know JV will be successful in any path he chooses in life. I know Jv will be president one day. Keep going JV, don't stop being the person you are.
Doopy - Doopy big chin fuck. I know I give you so much shit on ts, but its because I know you're not one of those kids who cries and bans me because I insult you. What you do for this clan is great dude. I know you try very hard to be the best you can, and I know you should be more confident in yourself. Having you in wars is like having jad by our side while we war. Knowing that you are such a terror on runescape, and knowing you're on our side boosts our morale. You're a special type of rank, and I know one day you will find your own style when it comes to being a rank. You are a cocoon and one day you will burst through and be a monarch. I'll wait for that day, and i'm sure you will be something higher than you are now. You have great potential, don't waste it on a shit game like Ghosts.
David - David seems to be a retard, and he is a dickbag, at times. But this kid is something we should all hope to be one day. He takes everyday like it were an e z job to him. I know I complain about David more often than I should but realizing that the weight of the responsibilities he has in this clan must be heavy. I used to think that he could be better at calling and leading trips and things like that, but seeing how much of a douche Drunk is to David, and seeing that David gives no fucks about what he has to say makes me feel like this kid is a badass. He tries his absolute best and I respect him for that. There isn't anyone at your age that could do what you do to be completely honest. I know with age you will only get better at what you do. Keep trying your best, and keep being the David we all know and love.
Weezy - When I first joined, Weezy wasn't really around much but he soon came in and oh god he was a dick. I hated Weezy, but realizing that Weezy is a good guy and just doesn't take people's retardation lightly made me step back and calm my intense autism. Weezy is the type of guy who will beat your ass for being stupid but he will pick you up and wipe the blood off of your fucked up face and buy you a beer. Weezy is rapidly gaining my respect and I am sure that sooner or later he will be at the top of everyone's "favorite ranks list." I remember when Weezy poked me on teamspeak and started asking me things about the way I am in this clan. To be honest I thought he was accusing me of being a spy like other idiots do, but i realized he just wanted me to be the best I could be for this clan. He gave me the push I needed to progress me into being a patriotic member. He pushed me to be more active. Because of him and Joshua, I TRY everynight to get at least 1 person to notice CP and consider joining (Recruiting.) His push was the one that pushes me past being rejected and long hours at night scouting popular pure places. I know if I ever become anything in cp, it will be because of Weezy. Thank you.
Shiny - Shiny is one of the nicest people I have ever met on runescape. I know I am retarded at times, and I flame way more than I probably should. But Shiny always keeps a cool mindset about it and he is still kind to me. Besides the fact that he is a beautiful man irl, he has my utmost respect. I have no doubt at all that he is ALWAYS ALWAYS doing something for CP when he is online. You have my respect, and I thank you for being the rank that CP needs.
Joey Venom - When I first joined CP, it seemed like I wasn't going to like anyone. But out of the clouds came Joey. Joey is someone I admire online, and admire irl. Joey is a god, but is still one of the nicest, funniest, coolest guy I have ever met. I do not know what most ranks do behind the scenes, so I can't really type anything out about Joey regarding that. But what JV does for us is something that most people need in their lives. He is like a big brother, he comes in and makes you smile. He makes you feel confident because he is just so kind to you at all times. I've never been in a clan that has someone like JV, and I wish he wasn't so busy with his life so he can be on more often, but I am glad that he is doing his thing. I know JV will be successful in any path he chooses in life. I know Jv will be president one day. Keep going JV, don't stop being the person you are.
Doopy - Doopy big chin fuck. I know I give you so much shit on ts, but its because I know you're not one of those kids who cries and bans me because I insult you. What you do for this clan is great dude. I know you try very hard to be the best you can, and I know you should be more confident in yourself. Having you in wars is like having jad by our side while we war. Knowing that you are such a terror on runescape, and knowing you're on our side boosts our morale. You're a special type of rank, and I know one day you will find your own style when it comes to being a rank. You are a cocoon and one day you will burst through and be a monarch. I'll wait for that day, and i'm sure you will be something higher than you are now. You have great potential, don't waste it on a shit game like Ghosts.

Posted 13 November 2013 - 11:45 PM

Posted 13 November 2013 - 11:46 PM

Posted 14 November 2013 - 09:20 AM

Invin, on 13 November 2013 - 11:15 PM, said:
Merk - Being in this clan for only 2 month and hanging around you guys for about 3 months, i've come to have an immense amount of respect for this kid. I do not know what it is, or what wizardry this guy pulls on me. But with that being said.. The privilege I have to be under this Leader, Merk, is an honor. I've never seen this guys face, nor heard his voice, but there is no other leader in my clan history that i respect more than this guy. Hearing your stories about how he was a little guy, then was put in the position of leader is amazing to hear. I trust that this guy will lead us to the top. Sure hes not a Mahatma, or a 13th ranger. But hes our own god. If you don't respect this guy then you seriously need to rethink your life. The fact that this guy put faith in me (and still does to this day) when I was joining and when idiots accuse me of being an eop spy or a spy overall (LOL) and the fact that I was able to have an honest talk about the way I feel about this clan and the people I have met in this clan when I have NEVER been able to talk honestly about a clan the way I did to him, all of this is strange and I don't know what it is about Merk that makes me trust him the way I do. I'm sure i'm not the only one that feels this way tho. Anyway, besides personal feelings and experiences. What Merk does for this clan must be an immense load on his shoulders, and I swear I have never seen Merk in a bad mood nor have I ever heard him complain about anything. I know if I were given his position while i was in highschool I wouldn't be able to do half the shit he does. Hes our mystery man. Hes our Dark Knight. Always in the shadows, making sure we're safe and healthy just for the sake of being the best he can be is something to admire. i love u jimmy pls marry me
David - David seems to be a retard, and he is a dickbag, at times. But this kid is something we should all hope to be one day. He takes everyday like it were an e z job to him. I know I complain about David more often than I should but realizing that the weight of the responsibilities he has in this clan must be heavy. I used to think that he could be better at calling and leading trips and things like that, but seeing how much of a douche Drunk is to David, and seeing that David gives no fucks about what he has to say makes me feel like this kid is a badass. He tries his absolute best and I respect him for that. There isn't anyone at your age that could do what you do to be completely honest. I know with age you will only get better at what you do. Keep trying your best, and keep being the David we all know and love.
Weezy - When I first joined, Weezy wasn't really around much but he soon came in and oh god he was a dick. I hated Weezy, but realizing that Weezy is a good guy and just doesn't take people's retardation lightly made me step back and calm my intense autism. Weezy is the type of guy who will beat your ass for being stupid but he will pick you up and wipe the blood off of your fucked up face and buy you a beer. Weezy is rapidly gaining my respect and I am sure that sooner or later he will be at the top of everyone's "favorite ranks list." I remember when Weezy poked me on teamspeak and started asking me things about the way I am in this clan. To be honest I thought he was accusing me of being a spy like other idiots do, but i realized he just wanted me to be the best I could be for this clan. He gave me the push I needed to progress me into being a patriotic member. He pushed me to be more active. Because of him and Joshua, I TRY everynight to get at least 1 person to notice CP and consider joining (Recruiting.) His push was the one that pushes me past being rejected and long hours at night scouting popular pure places. I know if I ever become anything in cp, it will be because of Weezy. Thank you.
Shiny - Shiny is one of the nicest people I have ever met on runescape. I know I am retarded at times, and I flame way more than I probably should. But Shiny always keeps a cool mindset about it and he is still kind to me. Besides the fact that he is a beautiful man irl, he has my utmost respect. I have no doubt at all that he is ALWAYS ALWAYS doing something for CP when he is online. You have my respect, and I thank you for being the rank that CP needs.
Joey Venom - When I first joined CP, it seemed like I wasn't going to like anyone. But out of the clouds came Joey. Joey is someone I admire online, and admire irl. Joey is a god, but is still one of the nicest, funniest, coolest guy I have ever met. I do not know what most ranks do behind the scenes, so I can't really type anything out about Joey regarding that. But what JV does for us is something that most people need in their lives. He is like a big brother, he comes in and makes you smile. He makes you feel confident because he is just so kind to you at all times. I've never been in a clan that has someone like JV, and I wish he wasn't so busy with his life so he can be on more often, but I am glad that he is doing his thing. I know JV will be successful in any path he chooses in life. I know Jv will be president one day. Keep going JV, don't stop being the person you are.
Doopy - Doopy big chin fuck. I know I give you so much shit on ts, but its because I know you're not one of those kids who cries and bans me because I insult you. What you do for this clan is great dude. I know you try very hard to be the best you can, and I know you should be more confident in yourself. Having you in wars is like having jad by our side while we war. Knowing that you are such a terror on runescape, and knowing you're on our side boosts our morale. You're a special type of rank, and I know one day you will find your own style when it comes to being a rank. You are a cocoon and one day you will burst through and be a monarch. I'll wait for that day, and i'm sure you will be something higher than you are now. You have great potential, don't waste it on a shit game like Ghosts.
David - David seems to be a retard, and he is a dickbag, at times. But this kid is something we should all hope to be one day. He takes everyday like it were an e z job to him. I know I complain about David more often than I should but realizing that the weight of the responsibilities he has in this clan must be heavy. I used to think that he could be better at calling and leading trips and things like that, but seeing how much of a douche Drunk is to David, and seeing that David gives no fucks about what he has to say makes me feel like this kid is a badass. He tries his absolute best and I respect him for that. There isn't anyone at your age that could do what you do to be completely honest. I know with age you will only get better at what you do. Keep trying your best, and keep being the David we all know and love.
Weezy - When I first joined, Weezy wasn't really around much but he soon came in and oh god he was a dick. I hated Weezy, but realizing that Weezy is a good guy and just doesn't take people's retardation lightly made me step back and calm my intense autism. Weezy is the type of guy who will beat your ass for being stupid but he will pick you up and wipe the blood off of your fucked up face and buy you a beer. Weezy is rapidly gaining my respect and I am sure that sooner or later he will be at the top of everyone's "favorite ranks list." I remember when Weezy poked me on teamspeak and started asking me things about the way I am in this clan. To be honest I thought he was accusing me of being a spy like other idiots do, but i realized he just wanted me to be the best I could be for this clan. He gave me the push I needed to progress me into being a patriotic member. He pushed me to be more active. Because of him and Joshua, I TRY everynight to get at least 1 person to notice CP and consider joining (Recruiting.) His push was the one that pushes me past being rejected and long hours at night scouting popular pure places. I know if I ever become anything in cp, it will be because of Weezy. Thank you.
Shiny - Shiny is one of the nicest people I have ever met on runescape. I know I am retarded at times, and I flame way more than I probably should. But Shiny always keeps a cool mindset about it and he is still kind to me. Besides the fact that he is a beautiful man irl, he has my utmost respect. I have no doubt at all that he is ALWAYS ALWAYS doing something for CP when he is online. You have my respect, and I thank you for being the rank that CP needs.
Joey Venom - When I first joined CP, it seemed like I wasn't going to like anyone. But out of the clouds came Joey. Joey is someone I admire online, and admire irl. Joey is a god, but is still one of the nicest, funniest, coolest guy I have ever met. I do not know what most ranks do behind the scenes, so I can't really type anything out about Joey regarding that. But what JV does for us is something that most people need in their lives. He is like a big brother, he comes in and makes you smile. He makes you feel confident because he is just so kind to you at all times. I've never been in a clan that has someone like JV, and I wish he wasn't so busy with his life so he can be on more often, but I am glad that he is doing his thing. I know JV will be successful in any path he chooses in life. I know Jv will be president one day. Keep going JV, don't stop being the person you are.
Doopy - Doopy big chin fuck. I know I give you so much shit on ts, but its because I know you're not one of those kids who cries and bans me because I insult you. What you do for this clan is great dude. I know you try very hard to be the best you can, and I know you should be more confident in yourself. Having you in wars is like having jad by our side while we war. Knowing that you are such a terror on runescape, and knowing you're on our side boosts our morale. You're a special type of rank, and I know one day you will find your own style when it comes to being a rank. You are a cocoon and one day you will burst through and be a monarch. I'll wait for that day, and i'm sure you will be something higher than you are now. You have great potential, don't waste it on a shit game like Ghosts.

This what dreams look like?

Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.
Posted 15 November 2013 - 07:03 AM

Merk - Always active + helping evry1 out + a great personality
David -littly funny guy asked me alot in the 1st week of 07 : but when it's official he's changing to a grown man +1 great calls
Weezy- cool guy great vidder great voice - didn't talk much to him like i did to the others but idc he's a great hc to me <3
Shiny -Friendly+respectfull+always in for some action ( looting at main wars
Joey Venom -Good friendly guy + hes training like a boss + hes good in footbal
Doopy -evrytime when i'm online he is . He know's the rs map as the best helping out members when you ask him to help..
my english sucks i can't write how i think and feel about you guys but i will try...
you guys are the reason i keep playing 07.
you guys are keeping the clan cp #1
Telling evry1 to attend the trips + making alot's of toppic's giving out tribot account's handing out free stufs at pk trip.
David -littly funny guy asked me alot in the 1st week of 07 : but when it's official he's changing to a grown man +1 great calls
Weezy- cool guy great vidder great voice - didn't talk much to him like i did to the others but idc he's a great hc to me <3
Shiny -Friendly+respectfull+always in for some action ( looting at main wars

Joey Venom -Good friendly guy + hes training like a boss + hes good in footbal
Doopy -evrytime when i'm online he is . He know's the rs map as the best helping out members when you ask him to help..
my english sucks i can't write how i think and feel about you guys but i will try...
you guys are the reason i keep playing 07.
you guys are keeping the clan cp #1
Telling evry1 to attend the trips + making alot's of toppic's giving out tribot account's handing out free stufs at pk trip.
helping the members out like great parents.
never saw a better staff before
thnx guys<3
Posted 15 November 2013 - 08:28 AM

im n0t alone, on 15 November 2013 - 07:03 AM, said:
Merk - Always active + helping evry1 out + a great personality
David -littly funny guy asked me alot in the 1st week of 07 : but when it's official he's changing to a grown man +1 great calls
Weezy- cool guy great vidder great voice - didn't talk much to him like i did to the others but idc he's a great hc to me <3
Shiny -Friendly+respectfull+always in for some action ( looting at main wars
Joey Venom -Good friendly guy + hes training like a boss + hes good in footbal
Doopy -evrytime when i'm online he is . He know's the rs map as the best helping out members when you ask him to help..
my english sucks i can't write how i think and feel about you guys but i will try...
you guys are the reason i keep playing 07.
you guys are keeping the clan cp #1
Telling evry1 to attend the trips + making alot's of toppic's giving out tribot account's handing out free stufs at pk trip.
David -littly funny guy asked me alot in the 1st week of 07 : but when it's official he's changing to a grown man +1 great calls
Weezy- cool guy great vidder great voice - didn't talk much to him like i did to the others but idc he's a great hc to me <3
Shiny -Friendly+respectfull+always in for some action ( looting at main wars

Joey Venom -Good friendly guy + hes training like a boss + hes good in footbal
Doopy -evrytime when i'm online he is . He know's the rs map as the best helping out members when you ask him to help..
my english sucks i can't write how i think and feel about you guys but i will try...
you guys are the reason i keep playing 07.
you guys are keeping the clan cp #1
Telling evry1 to attend the trips + making alot's of toppic's giving out tribot account's handing out free stufs at pk trip.
helping the members out like great parents.
never saw a better staff before
thnx guys<3
Posted 15 November 2013 - 08:31 PM

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