Hey guys, Thank you all for participating in the recent poll I made regarding midweek events. If you missed it, you can find it here: http://cp-rs.com/for...k-event-survey/
Within this post I also asked for more suggestions on how to make CP a better clan, but nobody came up with anything. I love hearing everyone’s suggestions and urge you to give feedback on my ideas.
One of the most important things to do in a pure clan is recruit. However, only a few people do it. Nobody is required to recruit, as it is hard to implement this and motivate people to do so. I have come up with a solution that I feel is fair and could change this outlook. Please add feedback where it’s necessary, and keep in mind this plan is still in a processing stage.
Basically, my proposal requires members to recruit someone every time they rank up because earning each rank should be meaningful. Currently, the only requirements to earning the next rank are to have return sets, time spent in the clan, and post count. My idea is to add a section to the application asking whom you have recruited. If the member applying for their respective rank has not recruited anyone, they will not be given the rank they’re applying for. When the applicant’s recruit has applied and is active, this is enough to earn the next rank. By the time someone is a Legend they would have had to recruit 4 people. This could potentially start a whole chain reaction. Out of the 4 people you recruited in your road to legend, maybe one of them would go on to pursue legend themselves, but in that time they would give us a +4 pull.
Above is a poll asking whether or not you would be interested in implementing this idea, but we need your feedback below as well to make this new, proposed idea a reality that works. PLEASE add BOTH positive and negative feedback to this idea.
Thank you all for your time and suggestions!

Addition to Ranking System Proposal
Started by
, Jul 06 2016 08:23 PM
Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:23 PM

Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:28 PM

Good idea Potter

To da pussy who keeps clearing my signatures u a hoe on my kids u betta duck ur fukin taco
Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:28 PM

This is a great idea tbh.
Part of the ^Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.
Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:35 PM

Excellent idea, recruiting is the key.
Ex @Leader of The Greatest Pure Clan of All Time.
[13:26] <@Zachary|0mg> why did we run from cp
[13:24] <@[CT]Colin> ask cp for a pkri lol
[13:24] <@[Foe]Zack> we won't beat cp lol
Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:37 PM

What I personally think is that the entire rank system (below elder) should just be reworked including Jack's idea, the time requirement for a rank shouldn't be a big factor in your rank but obviously a guy who just joined shouldn't get Legend or something if he just puts in work for a week. What i'm thinking of is more along the lines if somebody is active and puts a lot of work into the clan for 3-4 months they could get Legend or something along the lines instead of just stagnating around hero for the next 8 months, a lot of people in clans like to see their progression in ranks and such, but with the current rank system there's really no incentive to do anything unless you're going for officer or higher. I believe Ricke or somebody mentioned something like this before where there are 2 seperate ranks, 1 based off time and 1 based off activity and how much you have put into the clan. Because the only way you can see how much somebody has put into the clan is if they are a rank\elder. Another point about this is that some1 can get member, retire a week later, come back after a year and take Legend typically with minimal work. Therefore diminishing the entire reason of the ranks, this is why I personally don't find any of the ranks (member\advanced\elite\hero\legend) to mean anything at all really, just a color on forums\teamspeak and access to the 2 forum areas. Would be willing to elaborate more if anybody cares.
TL;DR Yeah Jack's idea is good, but current pre-staff rank system is pretty pointless.
TL;DR Yeah Jack's idea is good, but current pre-staff rank system is pretty pointless.
Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:37 PM

Decent idea. Should be recruiting a ton right now with the hype we've been gaining off our last few preps/high saturday pulls. As gay as it sounds we should be out lava pking whenever we get a good amount of people on ts and spamming our clan chat after killing people. Even just bank standing while you're sitting in ts doing nothing with a group of cp members sparks conversation with curious pures.
My days of try harding on runescape have been long gone but im willing to put the effort in to make this summer a fun one for everyone in CP.
Nice topic @$Potter
My days of try harding on runescape have been long gone but im willing to put the effort in to make this summer a fun one for everyone in CP.
Nice topic @$Potter
Current CP Contracted Enforcer - u frik around u get fuckd
Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:40 PM

Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:40 PM

i agree 100%!
recruiting can be hard at times, but since it's only 4 people within a year. that's more than enough time for someone to get the required recruits!
maybe legend+ should be required to recruit 1 person every idk 3 months or something to keep their rank? (just a little something)
you're a beast man great topic @$Potter
i agree 100%!
recruiting can be hard at times, but since it's only 4 people within a year. that's more than enough time for someone to get the required recruits!
maybe legend+ should be required to recruit 1 person every idk 3 months or something to keep their rank? (just a little something)
you're a beast man great topic @$Potter
Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:40 PM

Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:40 PM

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