Addition to Ranking System Proposal
Started by
, Jul 06 2016 08:23 PM
Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:41 PM

Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:42 PM

Agree 100% with this topic it's just about getting people to follow through with it, everyone should be going out of their way to recruit right now and not just leaving it up to @$Sam and @Jordai to lift all the heavy weight, on another note I'll try to lead/host more events whether it be pking/bossing etc just to keep the activity going, nice topic @$Potter appreciate the time you put into this
Posted 06 July 2016 - 08:55 PM

Tristan, on 06 July 2016 - 08:37 PM, said:
What I personally think is that the entire rank system (below elder) should just be reworked including Jack's idea, the time requirement for a rank shouldn't be a big factor in your rank but obviously a guy who just joined shouldn't get Legend or something if he just puts in work for a week. What i'm thinking of is more along the lines if somebody is active and puts a lot of work into the clan for 3-4 months they could get Legend or something along the lines instead of just stagnating around hero for the next 8 months, a lot of people in clans like to see their progression in ranks and such, but with the current rank system there's really no incentive to do anything unless you're going for officer or higher. I believe Ricke or somebody mentioned something like this before where there are 2 seperate ranks, 1 based off time and 1 based off activity and how much you have put into the clan. Because the only way you can see how much somebody has put into the clan is if they are a rank\elder. Another point about this is that some1 can get member, retire a week later, come back after a year and take Legend typically with minimal work. Therefore diminishing the entire reason of the ranks, this is why I personally don't find any of the ranks (member\advanced\elite\hero\legend) to mean anything at all really, just a color on forums\teamspeak and access to the 2 forum areas. Would be willing to elaborate more if anybody cares.
TL;DR Yeah Jack's idea is good, but current pre-staff rank system is pretty pointless.
TL;DR Yeah Jack's idea is good, but current pre-staff rank system is pretty pointless.
I love the idea about having shorter time periods for ranks. I also thought about this when coming up with this idea, but didn't know how to talk about it and wanted to focus on one thing at a time. An example of something we could do, and give me feedback on this again, is: If someone recruits 1 person in their first month of being in CP, they get their advanced member, if they recruit 1 more person in the next month, they get their hero rank. If they recruit 2 people after they get elite member they would get hero even if they've only been in for 2 and a half months or so.
Alternatively, after Advanced Member or Elite Rank, a new recruit who turns into a member could count as a week off their time. So, if they just got Elite member, which takes 2 months, and want to get ranked up to hero (4 months), they could take 2 weeks to recruit 6 people and get the rank.
What do you think?
Posted 06 July 2016 - 09:04 PM

Potter, on 06 July 2016 - 08:55 PM, said:
Tristan, on 06 July 2016 - 08:37 PM, said:
What I personally think is that the entire rank system (below elder) should just be reworked including Jack's idea, the time requirement for a rank shouldn't be a big factor in your rank but obviously a guy who just joined shouldn't get Legend or something if he just puts in work for a week. What i'm thinking of is more along the lines if somebody is active and puts a lot of work into the clan for 3-4 months they could get Legend or something along the lines instead of just stagnating around hero for the next 8 months, a lot of people in clans like to see their progression in ranks and such, but with the current rank system there's really no incentive to do anything unless you're going for officer or higher. I believe Ricke or somebody mentioned something like this before where there are 2 seperate ranks, 1 based off time and 1 based off activity and how much you have put into the clan. Because the only way you can see how much somebody has put into the clan is if they are a rank\elder. Another point about this is that some1 can get member, retire a week later, come back after a year and take Legend typically with minimal work. Therefore diminishing the entire reason of the ranks, this is why I personally don't find any of the ranks (member\advanced\elite\hero\legend) to mean anything at all really, just a color on forums\teamspeak and access to the 2 forum areas. Would be willing to elaborate more if anybody cares.
TL;DR Yeah Jack's idea is good, but current pre-staff rank system is pretty pointless.
TL;DR Yeah Jack's idea is good, but current pre-staff rank system is pretty pointless.
I love the idea about having shorter time periods for ranks. I also thought about this when coming up with this idea, but didn't know how to talk about it and wanted to focus on one thing at a time. An example of something we could do, and give me feedback on this again, is: If someone recruits 1 person in their first month of being in CP, they get their advanced member, if they recruit 1 more person in the next month, they get their hero rank. If they recruit 2 people after they get elite member they would get hero even if they've only been in for 2 and a half months or so.
Alternatively, after Advanced Member or Elite Rank, a new recruit who turns into a member could count as a week off their time. So, if they just got Elite member, which takes 2 months, and want to get ranked up to hero (4 months), they could take 2 weeks to recruit 6 people and get the rank.
What do you think?
Posted 06 July 2016 - 09:14 PM

Ex-Officer of AAO
Ex-Officer of Epidemic
Ex-Council of xL
Ex-Veteran of Fatality
Current High-Council of Corrupt Pures
Current Oldschool of AAO
Supreme Ownage
The Hatred
Posted 06 July 2016 - 09:25 PM

Ranks don't even matter when randos just snap their fingers and get elder 🤔
Corrupt Since 2008
Posted 06 July 2016 - 09:52 PM

recruiting is easier than ever, with so many training spots and places to find potential members, it should be mandatory. All people have to do is ask sam and jordan to go with them whenever they go multiple times a week. Good idea.
Part of the $Elder unit that can kill your clan in a heartbeat.
Posted 06 July 2016 - 11:52 PM

Ryan`, on 06 July 2016 - 08:37 PM, said:
Decent idea. Should be recruiting a ton right now with the hype we've been gaining off our last few preps/high saturday pulls. As gay as it sounds we should be out lava pking whenever we get a good amount of people on ts and spamming our clan chat after killing people. Even just bank standing while you're sitting in ts doing nothing with a group of cp members sparks conversation with curious pures.
My days of try harding on runescape have been long gone but im willing to put the effort in to make this summer a fun one for everyone in CP.
Nice topic @$Potter
My days of try harding on runescape have been long gone but im willing to put the effort in to make this summer a fun one for everyone in CP.
Nice topic @$Potter
Even though your days as a rank and try hard clanner are over, I appreciate all the work you've probably done for this clan. Thank you for your feedback. I agree 100% with the lava trips, I don't know if you saw the topic I posted in member chat a couple days ago, but it was all my ideas for what we could do for midweek events.
One of them was to have a recruiting event followed by a lava pk trip. We could have a rule where we have to get 2 future applicants in teamspeak before we go pking or something along those lines.
Standing around clan wars at minis or preps has shown me that people are genuinely curious about what's going on. I think your idea about idling in game together would intrigue potential recruits.
Posted 06 July 2016 - 11:54 PM

Super, on 06 July 2016 - 08:40 PM, said:
i agree 100%!
recruiting can be hard at times, but since it's only 4 people within a year. that's more than enough time for someone to get the required recruits!
maybe legend+ should be required to recruit 1 person every idk 3 months or something to keep their rank? (just a little something)
you're a beast man great topic @$Potter
i agree 100%!
recruiting can be hard at times, but since it's only 4 people within a year. that's more than enough time for someone to get the required recruits!
maybe legend+ should be required to recruit 1 person every idk 3 months or something to keep their rank? (just a little something)
you're a beast man great topic @$Potter
This is a GREAT idea. I think this would be amazing so we could keep our standards high. I would be more than willing to recruit one person every three months to keep my rank as legend. That could be the perfect time frame if we were to implement this idea. Thank you for the feedback!
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